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Yucks texts to dh last night...

purpledaisies's picture

Well so yuck texts dh right after the boys left to go back to her and asked him 'how did the weekend go'?

Dh said 'great' the boys were good which there were and no disrespect and they helped clean the house. (i did pay them in disney dollars for their help b/c tey didn't make most of the mess, that might be why they helped with out complaint lol)

Yuck texted back as soon as they got there and asked dh if he had a 'talk with the boys'

dh said 'yes' he did (which he did and told them all to just do what they are told to make it easier on them and so they won;t get in trouble and to respect their mom. They had a LONG talk).

Yuck text back saying 'I was just wondering as I just got a shut up for ss16'

Dh text her back 'what did you do about it'

yuck 'never mind i'm on top of it' (dh said that is code for nothing)

then a little later yuck text 'you know that saying about how it takes a village to raise kids? And anyone that complains about being a single mom of just one kid I will slap them.'

um ok??? :? So tell me what you ladies think she means by that?? Dh said it is code for "i can't handle being a mom but will never admit it"


purpledaisies's picture

I get that really I do. However dh has talked to them several times about doing what their mom says and the like. Read my earlier blog I posted today just a few down from this one.

I also think that yuck is blowing things way up for some reason too. I don't think they are near as bad as she is saying.
But what else can dh REALLY do?? In short of driving to her house and correct them every time she says they are bad but then again how can we trust in the fact that they really as bad as she says?

They are NOT even that close being that bad at our house.

purpledaisies's picture

Dh said that every time she text him with something that one of them did he will ask her "what did you do about it" I hope that helps...

B22S22's picture

I don't think it's a cry for help, I think it's a plea for sympathy. What's up with the "single mom" statement?

I read your previous blogs, and IMHO, it sounds like she's let them behave however and is now reaping the negative fall-out. However, she wants your DH to do the hard work.

Honestly? I hate it when our BM calls DH and wants him to talk to the Skids.... because after he gets done talking to them she gets back on the phone and immediately says it's not going to work, they probably won't listen to him either, blah blah blah. And anytime my DH says "take away their computers" or some such statement, she refuses.

I told DH that in my pointy headed opinion, if she's just going to call and complain, make him out to be the heavy, but not be willing to follow through on any of the suggested consequences, then she just needs to STOP calling.

purpledaisies's picture

That is what I told dh. That if she won't do anything about it then there is nothing he can do. He agrees with me hence the reason he will ask her 'what did you do about it' every time she claims they are bad.

the single mom card she plays all the freaking time. So much so that ss16 called her out on in before too.

Last night dh didn't even respond when she left that last text b/c he said it just her trying to get something for the single mom card.

purpledaisies's picture

Exactly! koorwest! That is what dh has been trying to do..He has talked to the boys several times he even told yuck to take their stuff away he also told her to stop revolving her life around them i.e. stop doing waiting on them hand and foot!

She WILL NOT stop that crap even told dh that he was wrong and stupid for saying so....opk well then when they are out of control what can dh really do if you refuse his help??? :sick: