Saw the counselor today...Unreal...I can't believe him!!!! (sorry for 2 posts in 1 day)
Let me ask you all this...
If your partner came to you and said that his ex's brother invited him to a golf outing at the country club, how would you feel? Not only are you not invited, but bm may show up with the kids and they may have dinner all together...
Now, perhaps I'm just a little, oh I don't know, SANE and say "No frikkin way on God's green Earth is that gonna happen!!!"
But do you now what the counselor's opinion on this topic was??? That I need to not interfere with the skids father because everyone needs to put the skids first. Not only that but, they were used to having bm's family around and their dad interacting with them all in a positive way. And the counselor went on to say that sometimes thorough whatever fluke of the universe, the bm might, just *might* wind up having dinner with her kids and my FH. (Where's that jaw drop icon?)
So anyways, the counselor goes on to say that all that is ok and that I should be secure because FH loves me and wants to be with me. I just need to know that the skids needs come first above everyone, and, oh this is my favorite part...that part of being "a mother" means putting your needs second. (Is there anyone not dropping a jaw at this point?) Yeah, I know n-o-t-h-i-n-g of putting my needs second...
Well right-a-rooney buckaroo...I'll get right on that! But cha know what???? How bout we, since we are pointin fingers bout we start with the woman that actually gave BIRTH to them!!!!!!! Huh?!!! How bout that!!! Maybe she ought to take that advice. Why is it my job to not only raise her kids, but to "mother" them so that everyone else's needs come before my own?? I'm being told by this guy that I'm supposed to be doing all the 'mothering'...hi, I didn't give birth to them remember, I'm just the step-mom...the know, 'the outsider.'
I have to tell you all that I am just stunned by this guy. He is supposedly an expert in blended family counseling. But I got to tell y'all that I just completely disagree with him soooo much!
Everything that I said about the golf and dinner, that was just a hypothetical that fh and he threw out to make an hasn't happen, and fh says it would never happen (uh huh)...but was just a worst case scenario thing. So according to them, I can possibly expect to have the little family all reunited from time to time...excluding me of course...and I'm supposed to just sit back and smile and be happy because I need to 'put the skids needs first.'
Well, i guess, hypothetically speaking, i'd have to invite someone male over to enjoy the day with if, hypothetically speaking, my fh is going to play pretend-family with his ex. Is that just not the craziest thing you've ever heard???
Seriously y'all am I dealing with a wacko here???
- lil_teapot's blog
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ok so let me get this straight...
You're supposed to put their needs first because you're the "mother" figure to the skids. You have to mother them, care for them, love them, etc. BUT when the BM comes along, you need to step aside and let her take over the "mom" spot. After all, she gave them life. Therefore she should take all the credit for raising them and being a mother to them.
I'm sorry but that's a load of crap. If you're going to be a mother figure then you need to have the same amount of respect that BM gets. If BM is going to get all the credit for being a good mommy then she needs to take care of those kids so you can sit back and be the nobody that the counselor said you are.
I know! I can't believe this
This why I'm sooo sad. I'm supposed to be "pretend mommy" when biobitch isn't around...and pay all the bills and give my life over to this load of nuts, and then when she shows up I'm supposed to just disappear into the background 'with my own life'.
Is all stepping supposed to be like this??? Why does anyone do it??
I'm at a total loss...
I have NEVER heard of a counselor (including good ole Dr. Phil)
who does NOT advocate a COUPLE coming first.
As I said, I am at a total loss. Where did you guys find this "counselor"....and, as has been said MANY times here on this site, no one really comes "first"; the relationship one has with one's SO and with one's KIDS are two different things.
They are NOT comparable.
Seriously, girl, if I were you, I'd either a) find a better counselor or b) find a better partner. Especially if he tends to throw things in your face? He's gonna MILK this one for a LOOOOOONG time, me thinks....
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
I think thats why FH likes this ass
because he is all about what a super human being my fh he's single handedly raised 2 boys and should be on a frikkin pedestal.
He does point of fh's faults and does tell him when he's wrong so I can't fault him totally...but this advice is completely off the mark.
He'd just seen another patient who was having problems with the grandparents not getting to see the kids because of the stepmom...but it's like, Hi, have I *Personally* ever behaved in anything less than a proper way???!!!
I broke down during this session and cried my eyes out. The counselor thinks it's because I'm still processing my exH's abuse and the rape. That was like 5 years ago, plus I've been through counseling. I'm sad because TODAY, NOW, HERE...I have no life!!! And this guy is making it that way. He's reinforcing this old-family stuff and telling me that I need therapy.
How about this?
While FH is having dinner with his EX--you are cozy at home or out in a nice restaurant doing the same...yeah, right, that'd go over big...
yeah, like its okay to
yeah, like its okay to "date" your ex, as long as you have kids together! WTF? This guy would definitely fail as a marriage counselor!!!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Oh, NO. Lil T-I agree with KittyKat here
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
I had a bad experience with a so called counselor myself. And my bff, at that time a school teacher, warned me. She warned me because this counselor was also the schools counselor. And she said any child that was sent to him came back with worse problems than they began with.
This particular "counselor" told me I was to start trusting my then husband. Ummm, we were seeing a counselor because they guy (my then H) was caught (by me) stealing from his employer, and cheating on me with a myrid of women! He took an overdose after I confronted him, and therefore had to seek the services of a counselor, or be sent to a mental hospital. TRUST HIM? This "counselor" sat there and told me, to my face, that although it would take possibly years of treatment for my husband to stop lying, I was to trust him!!!! What a moron. Just like the guy you're seeing.
I immediately stormed out of his office, checkied around and found a wonderful board certified psychiatrist. Who most certainly did not advocate me trusting the very person (then husband) who was putting a knife in my back!
Do not return to this counselor. Find a good who believes in the sanctity of marriage.
Physically, yes, childrens needs to come first ususally. BUT IT'S A WIFE'S EMOTIONAL NEEDS you were addressing.
Sorry this happened to you. More fuel for your FH's fire, I imagine.
I know I wont hear the end of this...I think
I think fh was kinda taken aback by what the counselor said and I think he actually felt sorry for me having a complete breakdown during the session. I think he does know right from wrong and I trust him on some levels despite the counselors stupid opinion.
I think FH knows me well enough that despite what this guy says is "right" and "appropriate", if I have to endure my fh having dinner with his ex and their kids, I will absolutely leave w/o question and never come back...I think he knows me enough to get that.
what a bad 'counselor'
The marriage comes first! Even pastors will tell you that. Once the kids grow up they will move on and move out (hopefully). Your marriage partner on the other hand is there for life (or at least should be). Too many women spend all their focus on the kids and forget about the marriage. The marriage then no longer exists except for the sake of the kids. Once the kids move out, the marriage ends because the kids were put before the marriage.
In this case, these aren't even your freaking kids! If you don't have children of your own then you did not sign up for a motherly role. I hate that society assumes that just because you become a step parent that you should automatically be top parent, PTA participant and dedicate your life to a child that's not even yours. Oh, yeah, and they expect you to do it with a smile on your face. I'm in the same role as you. I am a childfree by choice woman who fell in love with and married a guy with a kid. The mother is an idiot who begged to have a child and now wants nothing to do with the child. So I, the childfree by choice woman, am stuck with a child living under my roof. Luckily he's a good kid, but it's still not what I wanted in my life.
Find a new counselor. In my opinion your husband should be free to join his former brother-in-law for golf, dinner or what-ever else, but with the clear understanding that if the BM shows up, he leaves ASAP. Why would he even want the possibility of being around BM? Obviously it's something you foresee happening, so something is wrong. Why would BM want to be around your hubby? They're divorced and I'm sure there's a reason for it.
I hear what you're saying
and I can get on board w/being ok about the golf deal. My problem is, if there's a dinner after, I want to be there. Not just because I'm the wife-to-be now, but because if BM is there, you, me, everyone here, and FH knows she'll use it as ammo to drive another wedge in our relationship. She doesn't want him but she doesn't want to NOT control him. She loves the power over him and this shrink, who KNOWS her and how sucky she is, is handing her even more power!!!
Pastors will be the FIRST to
Pastors will be the FIRST to say a marriage comes first!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
He's a wonna be counselor !
IMO.... Find a new counselor. He is an idiot!! He sounds like my SS counselor in Lynchburg Va. Useless..I have been in counseling for almost 5 yrs to unravel a 27 yr marraige. The best counselor you could ever want. Yes children do come first in some area's, but not all. Mantellas said it right. I recently got married OCT 08 and H and I went through marriage counseling with our Minister. A requirement from her. It was really enlightening to see what I was doing in my previouse marriage wrong.Putting the children first and then when they were grown guess what... Hubby and I grew apart and he was than married to his fishing and not me.
Husband and wife come FIRST! Then the children.
This bull sh-t about the EX/BM and BD having dinner together is just that.BS. Who evers idea was to use that as an example used very poor judgement. I believe it was that wonna be counselor. If your H fed into that... an was like wow that is cool... RUN fast, my friend.
As H&W you have to set rules and boundries of what is exceptable and what is not, when dealing with the skids and the BM. The courts will give you a visitation schedule and the EX as well. Make sure you and H enforce it and follow it with BM. The court order is what keeps BM in line.If you enforce it. If BM doesn't follow it, she is in contempt of a court order, if you take her back to court. If the judge finds her in contempt she pay all attorneys fees.
Hear me when I say this....DH ex's is really no different than just about every other EX out there. She will try to
run all up in your life with DH "IF you" let her.
Girl friend you think about what is exceptable to you in your life and site DH down and work them out. If what DH expects from you is no way gonna happen than you need to think long and hard about this....relationship.NOW if DH is fighting you on every little rule and boundry than just maybe this blended family is not for you. I know my self in the beginning with my husband to kind of sat back and let D and his EX deal with it... BUT when I saw the games she was starting to play I swoped in and took over...I was not about to let that "Gold Digging B"
run my life or my H. My H Ex is Pyscho. For real.... H and I pulled ss visits because the Ex got talking stupid crap and I told H that I was NOT willing to put US in a position for the PSYCHO BEAST to accuse us of something stupid. All the trash the EX was talking ... NO way was I gonna let that happen. DH agreed. We have not seen SS(14) for over a year and half. Nor talk to him. Remember this... in the courts eyes Ovaries wins over Testicals every time. No matter what! And DH and I was not going to spend thousands of dollars on fight the EX. We spent about 7K on the divorce she would not sign. So we had to keep paying for all these letters to her attonrey who would not respond. Until we final got a court order to have the judge just court order the divorce. My H EX is an idiot and pyscho. Sorry this got so long...
Are you sure he's licensed?
It sounds like this quack got his license out of a Cracker Jack box. I'd find a real professional who can help, not hurt your relationship.
HEY! I think I had this same "IDIOT" counselor, LilT
A few years back, I went to a guy who "supposedly" specialized in "blended family issues". I asked the insurance company for a reference. I asked THIS guy before I went in for my first appointment- they BOTH ASSURED me of this fact- HE was an "expert".
Don't believe everything you hear.
At the first appointment, I briefly explained my situation:
Married (at the time for 2-1/2 years). I had two BS who lived with us FT. Their father and his wife were not an issue, as we got along just fine.
However, DH had 3 BD who lived with us 50-50. He "guilt-parented" the girls to the extreme. Add to the mix the extremely intrusive, crazy, exWife who made our life a living hell on a daily basis. She emotionally abused the girls and there was a TON of PAS going on.
His "Expert" advice? He's the dad. The "head" of the family. I have to take "his" lead, especially when it comes to him and dealing with "his" ex.
UMMMMM....I don't THINK SO BUDDY!!! What is this- 19 frickin 50?? Should I have his martini ready for him when he arrives at the door and make sure my pearls are on, too?!
I smiled. Thanked him for his time, wrote him his check, and told him to go to hell!!!
And added...for future, it might be helpful not to refer to himself to anyone else as an "expert" in blended family guidance- because his "advice" was nothing short of laughable.
I'm sorry you had to deal with such a schmuck. Counselors are a dime a dozen. Find another one who can give you some realistic advice.
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"
WOW there is another
WOW there is another me....Your insight is great.
Can you believe that counselors like this even exsist nowadays? I was just talking with my counselor this week and was commenting on how some of these poor children will be so messed up and what will they be like as grown adults? If only the courts looked at these(mostly BM)and told them to put their big girl panties on and be a mother and do their JOB. These BM would not have time be so threatened by the childrens step mothers. And wouldn't have time to try running their EX husband life and using the children as pawns to control the BF. It is just about the same with each and every issue on here. THE BIO/PYSCHO MOTHER SYNDROME.
He's a moron
OMG where did you find this guy??? The sad part is good luck changing counselors now because your FH probably LOVES this guy because he made you look like you were crazy.
We all know that that is not okay. I seriously would not have a problem with my FH going to play golf with his ex BIL if they had been friends for years. The BM showing up and hanging out and saying hey let's all go out to dinner is NOT OKAY. All your man has to do is say sorry I have another engagement. Even if the kids are there. Otherwise he is going to feel trapped. I understand this is all hypothetical of course as it is a worst case scenario but your counselor has got it all wrong. They are divorced and I don't believe, and I'm sure everyone here will agree with me, it is not healthy and it is absolutely ridiculous to play some little happy family scene when that is not the case and there is two seperate households.
I can understand your point
and in the future I'll try to be ok. Like I told the counselor, I was mad about the possiblity of golf because I feel fh needs to be there more for my family and make a new life where we do things together...and we are sorely lacking in that area. So to go golf w/his exBIL seems like a slap in the face to us creating a new life.
Seriously, if I had just had a baby with him and he wanted to go golf while I was dead tired changing diapers, would it be ok for him to ditch us(me and the baby) to go play with the exBIL? I think it might not be...but I am going to try to get over that thinking. I'll take the "exBIL" out of the equation and think of it as another guy playing golf w/him...maybe that will help.
But you are right too that this is going to create mass confusion to the kids thinking that it's ok for everybody to be all milling around in one big yucky pile of madness...our lives need to separate out as much as possible. For goddsake these boys are 13 and they REALLY need to have mommy,daddy and all their extended families all up on each other 24/7? Isn't it better for them to know each parent is living very happily now that they're separate...and isn't that the lesson to teach them? That despite divorce, people move on with life and can be happy and actually live?
And that IS the point, LT...
You're right. These BOYS are teenagers now. In a few VERY SHORT years, they'll be driving, going on DATES, making lots of their OWN plans that DON'T include their "mommy and daddy".
It seems to me, anyway, that BM just can't let go. And, you are NOT WRONG in expecting your FUTURE HUSBAND to COOL IT with events with his former "family". I totally agree with you, it's time to find a NEW CHARITY; send a donation to the "former one" or maybe just do ONE LAST YEAR and MOVE ON.
I still think that, one day, you're just gonna totally pull a
double take and say "You know what? You people are all messed up"...and you're gonna walk away and never come back. I really think you're gonna "burn out" from trying so hard and just walk away from the whole bunch of them someday.
I really do!!
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
I'm afraid you're right
FH has a nasty habit of turning everything around into being my fault because this shrink supports him in these crazy ways. I realize I am far from perfect, but fh never points that finger back at himself and says, gee maybe I'm not perfect either. He figures if he tries to make things work, and they don't, it'll be my fault cuz I'm crazy, etc.
I'm already feeling the burnout. I've been home sick today with a respiratory virus, but part of it is feeling completely drained from yesterday's counseling session. It drives me insane that I live 100 miles from my family and 'my people.' FH has all his family and weirdo friends up here. I constantly feel like 'a cornered animal'(what I told the counselor) because it's his house, his ex, his baggage, his kids, his friends, etc. And whenever anyone complains, which is mostly me, I have to feel like I have all these people against me because I'm upsetting their dysfunctional world...but they think they're functional and I'm a nutty bitch. It's draining.
I've been dreaming of having my own place. Somewhere that's mine stink, no dirty, no mess...just me and my nice tidy, good smelling home. A home no one can toss me out of if I get "out of line." I'm a grown up woman who feels like a bad teenager...only I pay my own frikkin bills...he has no right to treat me like this.
So like you said, I see the day in the very near future when I say enough and just leave w/o looking back.
Again I ask...why does anyone stepparent???? Is it always this hard?
My only insight is....
Be careful as to how the young lads are raised at this age. From personal experience, to leave them to their own devices and NOT be an integral part of their lives on a constant basis is a recipe for disaster. And no, you should be upset because golf is a guy thing, with whomever, and dinner was preplanned perhaps by the 12th or 13th hole. I have a handicap of 78. Nuf' said.
Can't say that I'm not disappointed. I wonder if this guy has any first hand experience in dealing with blended families or step issues. It's easy to give advice but it's a whole different story when you're living it.
Hypothetical or not, the only way I would agree to FH going out to dinner with his ex and the kids is if I was there with them.
Did you respond to anything he said to you? Sorry, but I would have told him to stick it where the sun don't shine. This guy is way off base.
I didn't know what to say
This hit me like a ton of bricks. I had a complete breakdown in the office and cried and cried. Then I sat there and just kind of left my body as they went on and on with the session. I didn't say much after that. Really what could I have said? That counselor just destroyed my life and any chance of happiness with FH in an instant. There is no way that we will ever recover from this. I can not in good conscience continue to live with someone who believes that it is ok to leave you new wife behind to go play make believe family with his exwife. And I can not live my life alone here, waiting for my time with FH, whenever that is "allowed". And I can't live my life giving all power over to bm or the skids. That counselor just put the skids in charge of everyone's, me, fh, everybody! Everybody on the planet needs to put those 2's needs first...and that is not right!!! They are already spoiled, coddled, and going to be absolute monsters if this kind of thinking continues.
My only alternative now is to either completely leave this situation entirely...get a new job, new place...or become an evil bitch and say "I don't care what doctor idiot said, I'm not comfortable with this and that's all that matters!"
I have always wondered.....
If this is the Valtrex way of therapy. Fix the symptoms, to a point, then let the disease fester and never try and find a cure because it is more profitable to cure symptoms. Yeah, Kevin The Man read an article and wants to protest, haha! It kinda reminds me of that game/riddle we talked about in grade-school that stated if the liar always lied then the truth was self-evident.
Kevin The Man
No Way
I had a counselor too tell me that we needed to let BM do whatever she wants and work around her, and that DH should beg his own child over and over, to love him and forgive him for getting divorced by BM.??
I went back one more time to ask, why is it that everyone else can defend themselves when someone attacks their family but me as a stepmom I am just supposed to accept it? She figured out quick who was paying and changed her tune immediately.
I think they try out this wacky stuff to see if you will fall for it. If you will accept these old-fashioned idea of 'kiss the BM and skids *ss', then they don't have BM in there complaining to THEM!! I would never EVER pay that counselor again to tell me this bullsh*t.
Oh yes, and if DH gets to socialize and play happy family with BM, you get to date, while you are married! so ridiculous
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
You are sooo right!
This is crap!
I mean seriously, think about the implications.... Skids and bm control the universe now...everything is for them and at their whim. Counselor knows BM is a wackjob and he hates her even though she found him for the skids long before I came along. But now he hands all the power over to her and her kids. Ok, super...but the one flaw in his little plan is that FH NEEDS me. He can't make the mortgage w/o me, and no one will watch his hellspawn w/o me. The only way he can get this to work would be to have bm take the kids all week and he'd get them on the weekend. That would suck for bm cuz she likes her time w/o them very much, and it would suck for fh because he'd not be able to date.(That's all provided I left him)
The only other way fh could make it work if I left would be to sell the house, get a cheap one, pay for a babysitter during the week or give them to bm during the week. Either way, he'd have more work to do, especially getting this house ready to I think he'd be fairly well boned.
I wish they'd think about this stuff before pissing me off. It seems like everyone is trying to beat me down into a nice tidy little package so I'll conform, wear the little dress and pearl necklace and greet fh with his martini when he comes home. But what they're not getting is that they're all making me soooo incredibly unhappy that I'm going to either a)leave or b)become a headstrong hellbitch and make everyone miserable.
Well, this must be what I get for trying to play fair with a bunch of neanderthals.
I vote for headstrong hellbitch
!!! Take control honey - that is the only way I can be happy! hugs
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
Let's ask ourselves this
Let's ask ourselves this question? Who needs who here??? Sounds like you are the one in the position to say to DH LOOK, If this does not change to meet your life style(with in reason and with obeying the court order)than I am out of here. Pull back from the situation and let DH know that you are not going to let Pyscho BM run your life. He might but your not!! You need to let DH deal with and handle his off spring by himself for a few weeks. Don't let this man use you. If he has to find child care than so be it. If he has to regroup his visitation schedula with BM than so be it. Don't be so giving and willing to save his sorry butt all the time. My friend don't let BM man handle your husband and don't let your husband man handle you. Sometimes we have to make choices we don't like to make.... and it sounds like you got some thinking to well as DH. This is totally B-S-it,that this is even happening. My vote is to be hard nose evil hell bit-h. And what ever you do don't let the EX walk all over you. Trust me there is no reasonening with the EX's, because they know the judges will side with them in most cases.....I know my DH ex hates me and is scared to even contact DH, because she knows I got her low life, manipulating attitude figured out. So she won't call here or contact DH because she knows she has to deal with me.....I have never done anything to the EX, I just stood up to her and she knows I am better at playing the game than she is....I retired from L/E and I learned from the best manipulators there is. Criminals!! She has nothing on me.....I have called every trick she tried to pull over on DH. DH now just laughs when we did get e-mails from her....Stand your ground for respect from your husband and who you are, his wife not his b-tch. The longer you let this serade go on the sicker it will get for all involved.
Good luck to you....
bad counselors are out there
when I was married to my first husband he was a selfish no it all. He quit his job, mortgaged our house & wanted to open a sub shop. He was unemployed for 4 months before he bought the place against my wishes while I supported him. I went to a counselor who after I met with her and told her my story she asked why I remained married. After meeting with him alone she decieded that what he was doing was right & that he just seemed so much happier & unstressed that what he was doing was the right thing.
This was not what my dumb assed husband needed to hear. This was thrown up in my face repeatedly until I told him it was over & the best thing for both of us was a divorce. I gotta tell you I could have slapped that woman. What about my happiness? What about my stress of being married to someone who got to do whatever he wanted, not help out at home, I got to support us & he was living his dream & paying himself $1500.00 a month. Geez thanks!
Your DH didn't need to hear that & I am sure even if you find a competant conselor he is only going to remember what this BOZO told him.
My counselor said the same
My counselor said the same thing and actually had me thinking that I need to take 2nd place. I did for a while but guess what that never works out, he will lose you. There are lots of women out there that put their kids first and all of sudden the men feel unwanted and will start looking elsewhere to feel validated and important. I really think this is what causes a lot of affairs. Don't get me wrong there are creepy men out there that will cheat no matter what but there are men out there that just want to feel they are important and don't always come second to the children. You should tell him this. It is the same situation, he is asking you to be in 2nd place.. pretty soon a man will come along that will be very interested IN YOU.. and doesn't make you feel 2nd. I would throw this situation out as a hypothetical see how he reacts..
Wow that's good!
I actually said that to FH that I understood how affairs happen because I'm so lonely. And I do feel unappreciated and unloved alot of the time. Of course he poo poo's it saying it's just cuz I have issues from my previous marriage.
The thing is there are men who give me attention...and I'm finding myself increasingly drawn to them. In fact there's one guy who is a complete doll and is just so sweet. I find myself thinking about him alot now and wondering... And I know it's wrong. I know FH is doing the best he can in some ways, but I also know in other ways, he is deliberately squashing me so I won't leave. Ultimately it's going to destroy us. I don't want to be way down his list of important people because there are men out there who will put me at the top of their list.
LT, you had a rough one
I think by now you know my point of view on this. You totally need to come first a s a couple. My counselour agrees with this as well. A child is only there on "loan" to your H and will, eventually, leave.
I say, find another counselor. There is nothing worse than having your feelings invalidated. Remember, as a human being YOU have the RIGHT to your feelings and beliefs. As a matter of fact, you and all the women on this site are admirable for even taking on other peaople's kids. Should you put them first before your needs, NO.
If you do, they may turn out like Cruella's SD's, or worse like the leeching BM's.
And, if you need a vacation from all of this drama, let me know. Maybe it's time for a girls trip or retreat.
One can only hope!
Thanks girl!
When you're through your surgery we're going to have to have a girls trip and do it up right!!!
Big hugs, LT
What a quack
The very first thing anyone learns in counseling classes is to "listen, understand, and validate". That's the mantra. If any counselor is invalidating your feelings, drop them like a hot potato.
He validates my feelings
but tries to push it deeper saying I'm reacting so strongly now because of traumas from the past. He thinks the things going on now and all these hypotheticals are small potatoes that I shouldn't get so stressed over...and that my real stress is coming from my past.
Its like he's saying, yeah fh can have bm to dinner with their kids w/o you but if you get upset about it, its cuz you're crazy...
Definitely not a good counselor.
Who is this guy, Dr. Laura?
Now I like some of the things that Doc Laura has to say (occasionally) however, one I absolutely disagree with is her advice that in divorce or unwed parent situations the CP should not re-marry until the kids are raised and on their own.
Your Counselor has this part all wrong IMHO. The core or any family is the adult relationship/marriage at its center. Everyone including the (S)kids benefit from a healthy adult relationship/marriage at the core of the family whether that marriage is the initial marriage in that family or a re-marriage that has added a Sparent or Skids.
As for the hypothetical BS your FH and MC (Marriage Counselor) developed, WTF are they doing running contingencies in a therapy session? I spent nearly $10K on marriage therapy during my first marriage (nearly 20years ago) and the Therapist never once discussed contingencies. We discussed relationships and she guided us on how to build a strong relationship but she never threw out a contingency about how either I or my XW would deal with a previous significant other approaching us about dinner.
Now, your FH's XB-I-L is your Skids Uncle so I can see a golf game and I can see dinner after the golf outing. However, if the Skids BM is going to be there, you should be there. If it is just Dad, Unc and the kids then I see nothing wrong with the activity.
Just my thoughts of course.
Best regards,
Rags I guess that's why I was so upset
Because I knew the golf game would devolve into something involving the bm...that's just reality. Everyone knows she's mentally ill, they just don't say it outright...instead, they choose to call me crazy because I was raped and had been abused by my exH and went to counseling for it. Everyone knows this bm causes trouble and lives to create unhappiness in everyone, including FH. I understand in your opinion that the golf game would be ok...and I'm seeing that too now...but my thought process was, knowing the bm, it would never be just the boys having golf. She'd find some way to weasel her way in just to spite me. Can I ignore it? yes I guess. But at the same time, I have to ask, why do I want to live a life where there's some troll trying to spite me all the time? Do I really want to put my baby dream on hold to pay for someone else's kids, all while they're knifing me in the back? I don't think so...
This session hit me like a ton of bricks because the counselor is tearing down all that I believe in and have tried to build here. I've tried to create the foundation of a strong relationship..something the skids should see so that they know how to have healthy relationships. And I always thought that a healthy marriage was what gave kids stability. But apparently, according to the counselor, the skids needs are to come first. Maybe that's part of what's going on in fh's mind too...he said that before he met me, he was prepared to live alone until the kids were grown. I think part of that messed up thinking came from that shrink...he's been counseling fh and the skids since before the divorce.
Ahhh, the Counselor is the kid's and FH's and not yours.
Find a new and neutral counselor for you and DH to see together. I would not bother going back to the idiot your FH sees now. He is far, far, far from neutral.
Best regards,
Who the hell is calling you crazy???
Wait a minute that hits too close to home for me. You had some bad things happen to you girl and you went to counseling so you could heal and move on with your life - what happened to you has nothing to do with the situation you are in now. I can tell you from experience as I was molested as a child and raped as a teenager and I went to a lot of group therapy and counseling to ge through it. None of that was my fault - unfortunately bad things happen to GOOD people. Just because we have a problem with BM and how they try to control our guys when they should have moved on and gotten a life and stayed out of ours - does not mean that our previous experiences have anything to do with our current situation. That makes steam come out of my ears. You are a strong woman and you don't need for anyone to throw anything from your past in your face and try to use it as an excuse!!! AGGGH!
That's how I feel too
and I thought that was what we were building on here, but the counselor and fh's "ha ha I'm right" attitude have totally wrecked things. I don't know if we can fix this mess now...
You know....
the greatest gift I was ever given was a switch. It has a simple off and on. Emotions are left out of the equation and it is either 100% one way or the other. Now, I am no therapist but the only things that I know bother me are the ones I let bother me. The 'I'm Right' attitude will continue until YOU stop it! It seems you may need to bring him into YOUR way of thinking. Stop allowing other peoples opinions influence you this way and tell him how YOU feel. I may be completely wrong but I have yet to hear you say that you have confronted him as to how YOU feel about said situation. If this man values you for whom you are, then he will validate your feelings and respond in kind, if not just emulate him and do as he does. Guys hate that.
Kevin The Man
Yes, I would move onto
Yes, I would move onto another counselor...but unfortunately the damage is done. Your FH will probably never let you forget this, even if he hears something different from a new counselor. This enables him to continue in his ways.
Yes, I would move onto
Yes, I would move onto another counselor...but unfortunately the damage is done. Your FH will probably never let you forget this, even if he hears something different from a new counselor. This enables him to continue in his ways.
OMG - we have the same counselor!
The last counselor my DH & I & the skids went to was just like this - everything was MY fault because I was the "step" and I was intruding in on their lives therefore, I should be the one to take a permanent back seat - bull feathers!!
The only thing I can figure is maybe the counselor is in the same situation as you & your DH are in and this is how HE perceives a solution! Definately to his advantage - ugh! Get rid of him, pronto!!
The counselor is married
but his patient before us and another one that same day were in because of visitation issues so that was fresh on his little brain.
He was all about keeping the family in touch with the kids regardless of who has them. But I didn't realize that my fh playing golf with his exBIL entitled BM to a free dinner alone with my FH. That to me is messed up and as god is my witness I will never, ever tolerate that.
I don't even want to go to another counselor now...god knows how much worse anyone is going to make it.
Yep. I'm with the rest. NEW counselor for you first, DH second and the SKIDS last. They already have THEIR counselor. Although, I would also tell you that SD's psychologist we had for a few years was about all of us, and not just SD. That's what we need again.
You need it too because in your case, BM is already unabashed in their quest to have every single one of their needs, and the kids "needs" met (in quotes btw, because NEED is used most liberally in my opinion when it comes to children.)
Your DH, BM, the kids, are all having this unhealthy game of still playing family/house validated by a counselor who SHOULD be pointing out that it is confusing for the kids and NOT IN THEIR BEST INTEREST. Sitting beside each other at a parent conference meeting? Ummm ok. That one I'd let slide. But in this golf outing thing or dinner? Really ridiculous and the counselor is not saying what many others would who actually have experience in this field. In my case with exH and SM, DH and myself, we occasionally have dinner all together at a family function for the kids (or when they had an open house/SM's 40th b-day party, we went to that too.) But we are the exception and it is not confusing for my kids b/c ALL the parents SPs and BPs are present if possible, and welcome for sure.
This is crazy stuff. Find your own counselor. Wish you lived near me, the therapist I saw a few times during our custody case with BM was a SM herself. THAT helped!
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert