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Parenting Styles….

Lillywy00's picture

So there are a few styles of parenting .... if you've brushed up on psych/childhood development/parenting101

Which type of parenting style do you have?

We all know we have the "Disneyland parent" which I believe is a more permissive parenting style.

I think parenting styles should be discussed before serious commitment due to the major chaos it (being on two different accords when it comes to raising kids) can cause in the home  



Rumplestiltskin's picture

I think it should be discussed along with many other things even by young childless couples considering marriage. 

Lillywy00's picture

So true. I know a couple that was on the brink of divorce because of disagreements on raising their bio so I can understand raising skids can be even more of a challenge. 

Taking about topics like this with one's partner or spouse beforehand is definitely a good idea

Yesterdays's picture

According to this website I am Authoritative

There is a quiz partway through the article also

common characteristics. Traits they exhibit include:

Administering fair and consistent discipline when rules are broken

Allowing their children to express opinions

Encouraging their children to discuss options

Expressing warmth and nurturing

Fostering independence and reasoning

Listening to their children

Placing limits, consequences, and expectations on their children's behavior

While the expectations of authoritative parents are high, these kinds of parents also tend to be flexible. If there are extenuating circumstances, authoritative parents will adjust their response accordingly.

Parents with this style are able to adjust and adapt their approach depending on the situation, their child's needs, and other factors that may be present. Discipline, then, takes into account all variables, including the child’s behavior, the situation, and so on.


Lillywy00's picture

^same here!

Honestly might have leaned a litte towards permissive at one point but I think having a good balance is super helpful for the kids and the household in general

Living in step life made me realize how much I'd prefer someone who was more similar to me in how we view raising kids / parenting styles 


Yesterdays's picture

Today we were talking about my kids and my husband said to me when we first met he couldn't believe how my kids just agreed to whatever I told them to do etc. And I just replied that it's because they knew when I said things that I meant business and that I had rules for them.  I was biting my tongue about his kids. I'm sure they would have acted better if they had the same rules and boundaries in their life.