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OT Mother’s Day Ingrates

Lillywy00's picture

Surprisingly I'm not referring to ungrateful skids ... ranted about them two Mother's Days ago when that staunch Disneyland dude had the gall to take his beastly breeders parenting day, declare it as his, took his kids shopping for the itchB, then expected me to forego my cushy day of relaxation and peace so that his unruly demanding peace destroying spawns could invade my territory on one of the few days of the year I fully expect those kids to fall back because it's not about them or their breeder (while at my home) being a priority like the other 363 days of the year. 

That next year I ended up demanding that beast take care of her kids like most normal sane mothers do on Mothers Day and ran multiple guilt trips on the dude for taking his exwifes holidays she supposed to have with her kids. 

Always glad I don't have to deal with that sh*t anymore 

But unfortunately, I'm dealing with my ingrate mother. 

On Valentines Day I knew she'd be single dealing with her on-off "boyfriend" so I bought her a set of 4 of those long lasting roses which she claimed she liked but wished they had a cover because she was worried about the dust getting on them.

Then shortly afterwards she took a pic of some long stem flowers her narcissistic long distance boyfriend allegedly got her -  her ill timed "flex" rubbed me the wrong way. 

First of all why would your house be that dusty? Like she has invisible asbestos floating around 24/7 or something. Secondly why are you bragging about this aholes gifts and why has this become a competition?

Anyways I moved past this and for Mothers Day I found a set of 5 long lasting roses but with an acrylic cover attached. Shipped it to her before the holiday. 

She calls me give a quick thanks then launches into her diatribe about "yeah don't send me anymore flowers because 'I don't have room'"

Mind you - this is 5 rose buds with the stems cut off ..: how much space do you imagine this taking up? 

Anyways Idk if I should respect her honesty or if she was too honest/offensive to me. I'm at the point where I'm done giving people certain monetary gifts/gifts I used my hard earned money to buy things for them. 

If they don't want what I gift them then I would rather them give a thank you, regift to someone else, then keep it moving. 

Im tired of elderly people acting entitled. And the moment I tell them I don't like something they gifted me they lose their d@mn mind, guilt trip me, or bring it up multiple times in group conversation like "hey Lilly where is that (insert gift here) that I bought you?"

I may just donate my time (no more than 30minutes) as a gift for these ingrates who try to turn their nose up because my money isn't valuable to them. They probably won't respect my time either. Sad


NotMeAnymore's picture

You said: Im tired of elderly people acting entitled. And the moment I tell them I don't like something they gifted me they lose their d@mn mind, guilt trip me, or bring it up multiple times in group conversation like "hey Lilly where is that (insert gift here) that I bought you?"

I read a lot of blogs and forum posts here. It feels like we are all a group of people with common sense and some solid morals and values, and wanting to provide great upbringing to StepSpawnKids... but we are corraled and surrounded by DisneyParentMonsters that stop us on our tracks like we want to harm the little a-holes... and on the flip side we have our elders wanting to butt in, impose, demand crap for our looser siblings, and are so demanding and ungrateful...

I feel like we are the bolognie in the sandwich squisshed by the top and bottom buns... there no way out... no room to breathe!!!

MorningMia's picture

Adopt an orphaned elephant, koala, or chimpanzee in her name. They don't gather dust or take up room. Seriously, donate to good causes as gifts to her in the future.

*hugs* Been through it with difficult skids and a difficult mom in the past. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

People should be able to adopt a pooper scooper in someone's name! *ROFL*

Lillywy00's picture

donate to good causes as gifts to her in the future.

This is an excellent idea that I will do 

Rags's picture

I get it. Not my own experience, but my wife's with nearly her entire family.  She is a very conscientious invested gifter. She does tons to find just the right thing.  Then.. she gives them the gift and they rip her heart out.

The first and likely most notable instance was when MIL was still saddled with SIL for the last couple of years before SIL launched.  DW shopped for a gourmet coffee maker, a selection of gourmet coffee blends, ordered a custom coffee cup. DW wrapped it which when my DW wraps, is a piece of art and a gift in and of itself.  She was on the phone when MIL opened. It. The card talked about how it was gift that the three of them (DW, MIL, and SIL) could share on coffee morning calls regardless of where DW was living throughout the world.  Crickets..... MIL: "But I drink Folger's instant."

I was ready to put a hit out on that woman. She gutted my DW with that crap.

It took a number of years for me to reset my wife to focus on gifting her family what she wanted them to have and not what they said they wanted. Ultimately not a difficult thing when the gift wish list they each shared had hand written additional gift options for us like. "1. Pay off our mortgage.  2. A new car {This is our dream "rig"!}. 3. etc". When I highlighted that crap to my DW, which she was far more fully aware of even than I was, she started tearing up the wish/gift list and started doing things like family movie passes, a reasonably priced piece of jewelry, etc... Not because they gave a shit about it other than to be pissed that she did not buy everything on their lists, but because it is what was important to DW to give. 

DW does smile, and has a tear or two, when they post pics of the movie night where the couple and their spawn go to the theater for movie night.  Lots of smile pics, laugh pics, etc....  DW smiles because they are important to her, and the tears are for the silent heart breaking reminder of reality.