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Never in a Hurry to Go Home

lillfiredog's picture

How sad, I don't rush to get home anymore. I don't want to see what chores where not done, I don't want to have to clean the messes they made.
I don't want any of it. Fu*&ing sad.... But hey, it is warm and sunny out, so I get to go hide outside for a couple hours instead of in my room.


sasha101's picture

I know how you feel - dh's 3 boys live with us full time and the house is a shit hole. It doesn't occur to them to clean up after themselves and dh seems oblivious to it most of the time! I hate it and have just this morning told dh yet again how sick of it I am and he agreed that I deserve better. I dare say he'll get onto them for a couple of weeks and then slide back into his old ways - makes me sick!

SteelRose's picture

I have had the same feelings in the past when both dh's sons lived with us. I HATED going home and when I finally got there would spend hours cleaning just so I could cook a meal or use a bathroom. Now it's not so bad. It has taken me years to train DH and his boy(s).

Lmomof2's picture

I feel this way too. Especially when DH is not home and you're alone with them. I think we may need a better balance. A little me time as well. Breathe hon. You're not alone.

.Em.'s picture

I used to feel the same way too. Luckily SO got his act together and started picking up after skids before I got home from work Smile