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Got to laugh

Lifer33's picture

So my 'friend' who loves to judge asks me what I'm getting ss for Christmas. Er nothing hubby will do it, and struggle. Oh, isn't it a shame especially now we are married that I don't take on that role. No it's really not, been there done it, no joy in it. And, coming from the woman who banned her ss from her house and seeing his little brother and sisters years ago? Think she's lost a marble somewhere or just over looked her own faults to try and prod me 


Kes's picture

If a "friend" of mine said something of that nature to me, she would find herself relegated to the non-friend league, pretty damn quick!   The last time I bought either of my SDs a Xmas present (or b'day present for that matter) was some years ago and those days are over. 

hereiam's picture

Wait, she banned her SS from her home, yet is shaming you because you don't buy your SS Christmas presents?

Haha! I would tell her that when she lets her SS back into her home, we can talk.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Sounds like someone is getting hit with some hardcore Christmas guilt that she feels the need to share. My only response:

"My, the Grinch didn't just steal your stocking, he must have also sh@t on your rug. I figured you of all people would empathize but I was clearly mistaken. Have a wonderful holiday."

And ignore.

thinkthrice's picture

what she is getting for HER SS this Christmas.