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Seriously with the underwear again?!?!?!

Learning to Stepparent's picture

So, I was putting a load of laundry in the washer today and happened to notice a pair of SD5's underwear were looking disgusting again.

We just went through this a few months ago and we had to spend a few weeks checking her underwear daily and taking toys away for unacceptable underwear to make sure she was wiping after using the bathroom. We stopped after she went about a week with clean underwear.

Apparently we are back to not wiping. Only now, it looks like discharge in her underwear. At 5 years old she is too young for actual discharge so I'm assuming she has either given herself diaper rash again and it is seeping or she has put forth the extra effort and given herself a full blown yeast infection. We have to check her crotch when she gets home from school to see.

In other news, I called the pediatrician yesterday to make an appointment to discuss ADHD meds and was told that despite the child psychiatrist diagnosing her with ADHD a year ago she is too young to be diagnosed with ADHD in the traditional way and given her other issues the pediatrician wants us to consult with a neuropsychologist at a childrens hospital downstate. While a pain in the butt, I don't think it's a bad idea. Then, at OT yesterday, the therapist gave me lots of ideas for activities and things to have at home for SD to fulfill her sensory seeking behavior in save and non annoying ways. Also, the therapist suggested buying her some chewelry so she can put that in her mouth rather than the more inappropriate options she has been going for. So we ordered one last night. DH gets mad at me for this but I can't help but call it a chew toy. That's right, we bought our almost 6 year old child a chew toy.

Then we went to parent-teacher conferences and the teacher has absolutely no problems whatsoever. The OT had recommended some silent fidgets they are called and some things we can put in her chair to help her expend energy without disrupting the entire class but apparently she doesn't have those problems at school. I guess school is just more sensory fulfilling than home is so she exhibits more sensory seeking behavior here to make up for it?


Monchichi's picture

Make the punishment fit the crime. In other words she has to hand wash her soiled underwear every single day. Even if they are clean for say 7 days.

Cooooookies's picture

Yikes that sounds like signs of being on the spectrum. SS13 still chews anything he can find and, as practically everyone on ST knows, his toilet skills are horrid. We have given him sensory toys and he loves them but literally have to watch everything he has to make sure he doesn't stick them in his mouth. Hopefully with your SD it's just ADHD as that is treated easily enough with meds, therapy and maturity. Spectrum stuff just seems to be around forever.

Good luck!

Lit'l Bit's picture

My BS 17 doesn't like toilet paper. He will use flushable wipes. Have you tried that she might not like the feel of toilet paper it makes a world of difference. If it works make sure you carry some with you at all times. I found out the hard way. When BS was younger he wouldn't go if I didn't have them. He ended up being so constipated.

Cooooookies's picture

SS13 uses baby wipes. The problem is he's gone so many years holding it in and pooping massive dinosaur egg size poo's that his insides are stretched out of shape and he doesn't feel when he needs to go. So now he takes a couple spoons of lactose and a packet of what I'm assuming is some sort of mild powder laxative and has to try to go 3 times a day. So far if he actually goes 3 times (yet another damn struggle) it's been working and his pants were clean yesterday. One small victory at a time.

Learning to Stepparent's picture

That works at home but unfortunately, they absolutely will not do that at school.

We have gone through this so many times. I genuinely don't know what to do anymore.