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PLEASE let this work!!!!

Learning to Stepparent's picture

So DH and I haven't filed our taxes yet because we were waiting on the 1099 from daycare. The daycare provider is really slow about things like this. BM had called DH awhile back and asked who was claiming SD this year and DH told her we are claiming her since she lives with us. Today, BM called again and tried to offer to give us some of the money from her tax return if he let her claim SD. So I furiously got all our tax documents together and sort of guessed how much we paid for daycare so my mom can file our taxes today. When we get the 1099 from daycare, if we ever do, we will amend our return if necessary.

I told her if BM tries to claim SD I WILL file a motion in court if need be and she said "oh, she hasn't filed yet if she just asked DH if she could claim her and really, it's not a bad idea because the earned income credit she could get could be huge." In the first place, I would not put it past BM to have already filed and is now trying to retroactively get away with it since past experience tells her all she has to do is keep asking DH and he will eventually give in to whatever demands she is making. In the second, we would have no way of knowing how much she gets for her earned income credit and therefore how much would be a reasonable amount to give us. My mom just texted me saying if we don't claim SD we lose $1600. Something tells me no matter what she gets back if she claims SD there is no way in hell BM is giving us $1600.

My mom will efile our return first thing in the morning. Please dear god, for the love of all that is holy, let BM not have filed yet so we don't get screwed.


Ex4life's picture

If she has claimed your SD then file by paper and include a copy of your CO as proof that SD is in your custody. Yes it will take longer to get it back but in most instances it does work and BM will have to pay back what she received illegally.

Will keep my fingers hers crossed for you.

Learning to Stepparent's picture

OK, seriously. Do all these shitty BM's (pun not intended but I will admit to giggling) have some sort of learning disability? I mean really, how many times do you have to amend your return before you get it through your thick skull?

In another facet to this, my mom told me that while we didn't know how much claiming SD would actually get BM we do know she can't get the maximum $5000 earned income credit as SD does not live with BM at all. So if BM does get that much back it means she illegally claimed SD when she isn't permitted to AND lied on her tax return which would be particularly stupid since BM works at, wait for it......H&R Block. If she pulls that her ass will get fired.

Maxwell09's picture

I guess I am one of the lucky ones that has a BM that knows without the custody order even stating it that DH claims SS4. Thank You Lord because I already have a hard time dealing with her refusal to pay her half of anything for SS that doesn't happen "on her time" aka 8 days of the month.

Learning to Stepparent's picture

We efiled this morning so will find out later today if BM has already filed or not.

We have the opposite withholding problem. DH is still claiming single and 1 on his W-4 so we are getting a truly gigantic return. Seriously, it's obscene. I told DH last night I think he should change his withholding. Don't get me wrong, I like a nice check from the government every spring but seriously, my mom figured it out and estimates that he can get about $100 more per week in his paycheck and we would still be getting back about $1500 when we file next years taxes.

That's just ridiculous. We have SD's therapy bills, my medical bills, and just general day to day expenses and an extra $400 a month would come in handy for that.