A stepmom warned me, but I didn't listen.
I was warned by a stepmom that it was going to be really hard. She told me to think it through if I would really want such a difficult life. I left my family and friends and moved far away to be with DH. She told me it wasn't going to get easier down the line, but most likely a lot harder.
She said that in the beginning me and DH might be madly in love and in our honeymoon fase, but that that fase will go away and our love needs to be really strong to survive.
I didnt want to believe her and felt kinda offended, because she came at me really strong and I felt like she didn't want me and DH to be together. It was like she was attacking me. I felt like she was trying to break us up.
She was right!!!!!!!!! I don't know if our love is strong enough to survive this. DH and I have a lot off problems besides SD. The whole SD issues just makes it all 10 times worse. I sometimes wonder if it's all worth it.
The stepmom her DH actually backs her up when she has issues with her SS. Her SS calls her mom so he does see her more as a mom figure. I don't know anything about the BM.
I saw her(sm) recently and she asked how I was doing. I told her some of my issues with DH and SD. She said that when they get older it doesn't always get easier.
I sometimes hear that when stepkids grow up that they will see and realize what the stepparent has done for them. I've heard that they might actually start appreciating the stepparent more and the relationship might get better.
I'm worried about that, because I have a lot of doubt about that. When I see how SD gets manipulated (also by dh) and I can tell that she knows more and more how to work it, I doubt things will change between us. I fear for the worst.
Also when I see how's she's being raised, the way they talk to her, the way they act with her, I just don't like it. I don't like what they are molding her into be. I worry alot about the influence she might have on DD and DS.
I should've listened to the stepmom. I love my kids and I would never want to change anything about them, I would just like to change alot of stuff around them/us.
- LaVieEnRose's blog
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It is hard to know if I would
It is hard to know if I would have heeded warnings from another SM when I was newly in love with my DH and thinking everything was rainbows and unicorns. He told me relationship with NPD BM was "amicable". Ha ha. I thought because I'd already raised 2 lovely girls to late teenage, being SM to 2 more was going to be easy. Ha ha again. No chance, with a psycho BM around. It has been the hardest 10 years of my life.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing.