Thanks ST friends for the advice... my skid manipulated me, and what happened next...
After reading posts to one of my recent blogs, I realized I had let PITA 16 manipulate me. I thought I was just trying to deal with it on my own when PITA said, "What? Are you just going to cry to Dad?" when he treated me poorly the other night. I thought it would look like I had handled it on my own, but after reading what everyone said, I realized the skid got exactly what he wanted- he insulted me, and got away with it, and since I didn't tell Loghead, the skid got a quiet night playing the new Xbox game.
So I made up my mind to tell Loghead when he got home Friday night. Lo and behold, PITA was a little shit again while Loghead was out! I was "sick" yesterday- no way I could teach all day after being out till 3 am at the Harry Potter movie. But I had felt bad, since Loghead did have to go to his classroom, since he had a meeting he couldn't miss. So I spent the ENTIRE day cleaning the house from top to bottom, getting ready for the holidays.
Long story short, PITA made a comment about the house still looking like %^&* and how the house always looks like $%^&. He was mad because I had actually put away the bottles for the calf in their proper place and he couldn't find them where he usually leaves them. (Read old posts if you want to know about the calf...)
I told him MY house wouldn't look like #$%& if people cleaned up after themselves on a daily basis, and if he thought it was so bad, so embarassing, he could always go live some place else. In proper teenage fashion, he muttered "Whatever" and walked off.
i was asleep when Loghead got home after this happened, but I made a point to tell him about the other night and last night this morning. The moron says, "He really shouldn't talk to you that way, but he's right... The house is usually a mess."
Then he had the nerve to point to a pile of mess on the counter that happened to be HIS!
It took every ounce not to kill him. "Are you f^%&n kidding me? My stuff is clean!" I shouted. I pointed out each mess in that room alone, and how they had all been created just since 5 pm last night when he and the boys got home. The spilled sugar from their hot tea, the bacon grease from this morning, the pizza crusts from last night...
i told him to clean his $%^& and to take the boy out for the day. (Lazy Boye went to see Loca Grande for the weekend, and Princess is staying with my parents for the weekend.) He dutifully cleaned up. I told him he better have a talk with HIS son because I would not live like a prisoner in my own home and I would not be manipulated again. I also told him that from now on he was going to hear about it EVERY TIME one of his kids f%^&ed up, because then maybe he would take some responsibility for it as well.
A bit later, he had PITA loading up the truck, and he came to say the house did look really nice, and he would take care of things. Frankly, I hope when they are chopping wood today that the ax falls on one of them...
I love the man to death, but he can be such an over grown teenager sometimes too... His mama was this little old lady who did EVERYTHING for him, and then Loca Grande did, but he knew when we met I was not that woman... I pretended to be when the kids were little, but things have changed, and he knows that. I'm not going to sit back and clean every little #$%^ mess they make- him or the skids.
- Last-Wife's blog
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Wow can I relate. This sounds
Wow can I relate. This sounds like something I would have written a few years ago before I ended up in the ER with gastritis because of stress. I laugh when I think about that now because the doctor said, "You need to reduce some stress in your life." I said, "Sir, I have 3 kids, 2 sk's, a husband, and a mother that all live in my house. Please tell me how to reduce stress because I will gladly take any advice you have to offer!" He just looked at me with this pitiful look on his face and said, "Good luck." I said, "Yeah." Needless to say, I came home and told everyone that I would NOT clean up after ANY of them anymore. Since that time if dh doesn't like the way the house looks, HE deals with it. I have never had another problem with the gastritis!!
I admit that I will sometimes go behind and clean up after my own kids just so I don't have to listen to dh gripe about them and yell at them. But I never cleaned up another thing after his kids again and now they are out of the house and on their own and I still don't deal with their BS.