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Oh, yeah... the letter

Last-Wife's picture

BM makes this big deal about coming to SS15 ball game tonight, right? She gives him a letter before the game that tells him she's not coming for any more games, or giving him anything- presents, money, items for school- anything until he can learn to grow up and make an effort to be nice to her and call and visit...

Not that I see that's really motivation for him to visit her... The dang Xbox that causes fights in our house is her's. If she really wants him to visit her, she should have insisted on taking that back...

Now, I've talked to this kid about it... And I see his point. BM has no job; only lives an hour away and her sugar daddy makes good money. Why isn't she at every game? Why isn't she at every school concert? Why isn't she coming for court ordered WEdnesday visits? At his request, we did the math once. In 12 years, she has made less than 36 Wednesday visits.... That's not even every Wednesday for a year!? And do you know how many birthdays she's called him for? NONE! She has never called the kids on their birthday!!! She doesn't even acknowledge thier birthday unless it happens to fall on a weekend when they are at her house. Christmas? She just gives 'em cash, cause she doesn't know what they want or like...

Yeah, I'm sure that letter really got through to him...


JustAnotherSM's picture

Is it possible that BM is going to therapy or a 12-step program and these letters to you and your skids is part of her homework?