the LONG awaited day has finally come! The Last of the Ex-Wife?
I got a text from Loca Grande this morning. I love to start Friday with a cup of crazy! She's been mad all week because Lazy Boye 18 doesn't want to see her before he leaves for boot camp this weekend. And it's not even really that he doesn't want to see her- he doesn't want to say good-bye to anyone. She threw a ridiculous** graduation party for him last weekend, and he said all his good byes to her family then. When she asked to meet this week, he told her he wanted to remember her at home and happy, saying good bye surrounded by family, instead of a memory of her sitting in some restaurant, crying her eyes out.
So she's texted me all week, wanting me to try to change his mind. I said a few times I thought he should see her, but he's 18, a HS graduate, about to be in the military- he can make his own decisions! Well, I guess last night, she got into it with him nasty on the phone. He told DH and I that if she called again, not to answer, and that he was thinking of blocking her on his phone.
She texted me this morning, "Halleluiah! The day is come! I can finally feel divorced after 17 years. The kids are all grown and graduated. They live their own lives now and don't need me. They don't need us to work together to make plans and holidays anymore. I am so done with them and Loghead. Last-Wife, you have been an angel to put up with him all those years and thank you for raising my kids when I couldn't. But I have had enough. I am done worrying about them. If they want me in their life, they know where to find me. I'll send you a Christmas card. Have a nice life!"
ABOUT FREAKING TIME! Yup, I can wipe my hands of her too! Honestly, I feel sorry for her. it must be terrible to know that your own children don't want to be with you. But it was her crazy actions, bi-polar, lying, stealing and cheating that drove them away. They know that many of the troubles they have faced in their own lives came from her doing, and her genetics. And for now, they don't want any part of it. Princess, PITA and Lazy Boye are all old enough to make their own decisions where she is concerned. If they want to see her, fine. If they don't that's probably best anyway.
*** re: ridiculous party--- she never had a party for the other 2 when they graduated. But she threw this big party for him, with all her friends and her husband's friends. he said he didn't know but 4-5 people there, and it was really just an excuse for her to get drunk and show off her new house and pretend to everyone what a good mom she has been. Princess didn't even go; she couldn't bear the thought of even 5 minutes with her mother. PITA went and took a friend. The friend said it was weird because he could tell that all the pictures of the skids were ones I had taken because our couch, or our kictchen was in the background! LOL
- Last-Wife's blog
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CONGRATULATIONS! Now we need to throw YOU a ridiculous party!!!!!!! You, are sooooo lucky!!!!
Delete ST from your history
Delete ST from your history and bookmarks. Go on a vacation, then come back and rub it in our faces LOL.
We get so mired in the BS for so long. I was going thru old blogs and deleting them recently. I was amazed at how far we have come and how much has changed in our step-hell in 4 years. I've got 60 more months before Yskid graduates, but it has gotten better and easier with each year. And who knows, she may do a 180 and move back to BM at some point.
I'm so happy for you. You
I'm so happy for you. You have always been one of my favourites on here (I used to be dorothyparkerwannabe), a great role model for others, and you finally get your reward. I hope you and the family can now rest a little, enjoy life, you all deserve it. I hope you create some celebratory event for just you to commemorate the end of the saga!
You were one of my favorites