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FYI- worst of it missed us

Last-Wife's picture

My little town barely got 9 inches of a predicted 20 inch snow. However, all the the communitites around us did get about 18-22 inches, so we will probably all be home together for the rest of the week.

Going well. Made waffles this morning. Gibby and I took some pictures to send to family. Loghead still sleeping. Havne't heard PITA and his friend emerge. Lazy Boye sounds like he is starting to move.

Loghead has already told me it will be a "no technology" afternoon, so I am trying to get some computer work done. I was thinking a game of Monopoly for all would be fun...


Last-Wife's picture

No veal burgers... Which is good. Because if they had to slaughter the damn thing, I'd probably be left with the clean up...

I think the bitter wind is also making it a really bad storm all around. Even now, the snow is blowing like crazy, even though it is done falling from the sky...

Timetogiveup's picture

I am sitting here in AZ, thinking about how much I miss those east coast Noreasters, listening to the wind and watching the snow fall...but read your post. UGH....just thinking about what you are enduring is making me ill.

happymostly's picture

Glad it missed you guys. We got 12 inches here, but where my sd lives, they got 22 inches! If my college classes arent cancelled tomorrow, im still not going to be able to make it there! Cant barely get out of my driveway or down the street with my tiny car! anyway have fun playing monopoly!

purpledaisies's picture

We got 9ins but for here that is a LOT! we don't normally have storms like that here. Everything has been closed for the last 2 days. We are lucky to see snow once a year let alone several times or even a few inches. This is a treat for us. I made snow ice cream too! We are all inside next to the fire and being cozy.