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... and it continues...

Last-Wife's picture

My smooth Saturday has turned into a smooth Sunday. A week of bliss and harmony? I could get used to this...

Loca Grande came and got PITA for dinner and a movie last night. She tricked him slightly, by serving dinner at her house, an hour and a half from here... They did see a movie and do some shopping, but then because of her meds she had to get home and get some rest. Amazingly, he didn't throw a fit, and he stayed there over night. I'm pretty sure that's the first time he's stayed over since last summer. And he didn't start calling for us to come get him. When he got home, he set to work helping Loghead with yard clean up.

Lazy Boye got home from his friend's house, but since he used the basement entrance to the house, I haven't seen him since Friday night. (Peace.)

Princess was slightly grumpy this morning, but decided to go over to Grandma's to help with some cleaning since my MIL had rotator cuff surgery a week ago. (My FIL in keeps pigeons in the house, and it's starting to stink. Seen Hoarders on TV? Yup, they'll be on someday...)

Loghead and I lazed in bed this morning, watching some silly movie. Both of us are feeling pretty sick- 2 weeks ago we had a foot of snow, and now it's almost 60 and our allergies are killing us.

I've been sitting at the kitchen table, working on school work and helping Gibby with a school project all day. Each time Loghead passes through the kitchen, he reaches out and rubs my shoulder or tucks my hair behind my ear.

I'm just shocked and amazed. This is SO not the family I was living with 2 weeks ago. I could get used to this!

Oh- there was one piece of bad news though- turns out the skids have Spring Break this week and we didn't know it. They are out Wed, Thurs, Fri. I have parent conferences this week, and Loghead's temp job ends Friday so he can't stay home with them. He's gonna try to see if Loca Grande will take them for a day or 2. I mean, they are old enough to watch themselves, but the boys would be tempted by 3 days of freedom and no adults. The extra vehicle and dirtbike would be tempting. I could see Princess trying to have Stepping Stone over if he wasn't working...

But, ya know what? It's not my problem! As long as I don't have to clean the messes- no wait- SEE the messes they make, I don't care...

Hmmm.. Maybe it's not a new "them." Maybe it's a new "Me."


unbelieveable's picture

ahhh...the last couple of weekend with fsk's have been amazing...but of course fmil ruined this weekend which canceled our plans...I need a "new" everything...haha