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Tying up loose ends

la_dulce_vida's picture

Still waiting until the 27th to find out if my daughter is going to be offered the job she's worked so hard interviewing for. Keep crossing those fingers.

Today, on my way to the big city, I stopped by my attorney's office to sign off on a new medical power of attorney and advanced directive to remove my XBF and add my DS33. My DD30 was already listed, so it was just a quick swap. Best $50 I've spent all year!!

Sunday will be a month since we broke up and it's getting better every day. I'm looking forward to the days when I don't think about him at all.

I've stopped looking at his dating profile - *yawn*. I'm still seeing the therapist and we're going to work on how to change my patterns of picking emotionally unavailable men and investing WAY TOO quickly. Not gonna do that again.We're also going to discuss what to do if/when he reaches out to me in the future. He's currently blocked from my phone, but could email or message me on Facebook. My guess is it will take him 3-6 months to reach out about stuff of mine he's found at his house.....or not at all.

Monday, I started back on my healthy eating plan with the goal of dropping 20 pounds as a place to start. Once there, I might push for another 20-30 pounds. One step at a time.

I have a great year planned, so it's truly his loss.

Send all the good vibes you can for my daughter finding a job!! Thanks in advance.



ESMOD's picture

Hope your daughter gets good news!  It can be so hard to find the right fit sometimes.

I'm glad your therapy is moving forward with a plan.. and having some personal improvement goals is great too!

I wish you all the best getting to a healthier place in your life!

la_dulce_vida's picture

Thank you, ESMOD. Every day it gets better and better. I appreciate your support and wise words.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Fingers crossed for your daughter.

I love reading your update and plans. Onward and upward!!!

RockyRoads's picture

Good luck to your daughter.  I am glad you are posting updates about your leaving. It gives me some hope that I will get up the courage to do it soon. 

la_dulce_vida's picture

I'm so glad you're here. This place helped me to be strong enough to leave my abusive XH2 and my most recent "going nowhere" relationship. You'll leave when you're ready. We all have our breaking points.

Thanks for the support and encouragement.

grannyd's picture

Hey, Hon!

I'm simply loving your updates; so full of positivity and hope for the future! When I left my second husband, I also engaged in a weight loss program, dropping 25 pounds. In addition, I began serious exercising, including weight lifting as well as aerobics. My tooshie rewarded me wholeheartedly! Smaller, more fashionable clothes and attention to nails and makeup rounded out my mini transformation and resulted in a huge upswing in my self-esteem.

Instead of complaining and feeling sorry for yourself, you’ve engaged in life, spending quality time with friends and keeping busy in constructive, healthful ways. I’m truly impressed with your attitude, my dear; keep it up! Good


Rags's picture

Huge positive waves for your daughter getting that offer.  I just signed an offer myself.

My first day at work will be Monday which is 8mos to the day after my last day of work with my former company... that.... has been fired by the client.  

Not surprising. A number of my peers were released at the same time I was and the client company backfilled with their own people. They are now converting all of the  employees at the sites they are transitioniong to their own leadership to direct hire. The sites they are continuing to work with a partner company on, are being shifted to the competing companies to my former company.

So glad my transition occurred  earlier than those getting hit now.  

It will also give me a pool of candidates for roles in the new organization that I am being charged with building. I can be selective and should get some key high performers.

If all goes as I hope.

Also, I am toasting your new life adventure regularly. I am so happy that you are well into the "it hurts a bit less every day" phase of the post breakup grief and recovery cycle.

Be good to you.

Give rose
