Don’t feel bad. At all
So for the past 5 months I've been living in Texas with my husband and his two boys, I have been in charge of watching them every weekday and most Saturdays while my husband and their mom work. I have been telling my husband that I don't want to do it anymore and it got better for a minute and then got worse. It was every single day Monday through Friday and they were staying the night every day because they would like to say they never saw their dad except Sunday. Which was true because he leaves for work at 4 am and gets home at 6pm after they are gone. Only day he gets off early is Saturday and they are only here for a few hours in the morning.
Well long story short he stormed in after work and said when they go to school that they won't be coming here at all on the weekdays and only on every other weekend which is what the visitation was supposed to be considering he's sending her child support every paycheck. I heard that and I'm happy about it because they didn't see him on the weekdays anyway.
he is convinced she's doing it out of spite because ss4 told his mom that she wasn't his mom and that I was because he got mad when she took something away from him. He's a bratty little kid that breaks stuff when he gets his way and he says the same thing to me all the time when I say no to something.
she also promised ss10 that she would take him to see the new fast and furious movie and canceled on him making bullshit excuses like she had to go get COVID tested and that she got called into work when we ran into her at Walmart. So he was upset and we just decided to take him because his dad wanted to take him anyway.
he thinks all of this made her want to take the boys away from us out of jealousy... but honestly even if that were true (which it probably is) her reasoning is that their school is 10 miles in the opposite direction of us which in my area is a 40 minute drive at that time and that I wouldn't be willing to pick them up, which isn't true because I have been begging her to put them in actual school since they opened them and I told her I would even pick them up from her house and take them to and from school. Dealing with a 10 year old and online learning was a damn nightmare.
basically I don't have to be a babysitter anymore come august and I'm excited as hell. My husbands upset but I don't care
- krissykat's blog
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You've done your part
Your DH sounds like he's throwing a little fit. But it sounds like you've done your part, been accommodating and even have a decent relationship with BM. You have done what you can (and even kept a positive, realistic attitude). Congratulations.
Pitiful that you took care of
Pitiful that you took care of these kids every day, more than either bioparent and more than both put together. I don't blame you for being resentful and happy that BM is finally going to "help" with the kids.
Light at the end
Theres a light at the end of the tunnel. But keep this in mind - you are not these kids parents. You are stepparent, your own niche. Its easy to get sucked in there, just be warned that you do not want to be their free nanny after August. Are you working?
Definitely get a job, if you do not have one so that the bio parents will need to figure out the schedule from here on out.