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Kids not a problem ex is

kme01's picture

I had a great relationship with my 2 step kids up until recently. Their mother is insanely jealous of the fact that my husband has moved on and is happy. She constantly bad mouths me now to the children and sends nasty emails about me to my husband. Now we have issues with his oldest son an 8 year old who is now convinced that i am evil incarnate and if he tries hard enough he can cause me to leave so that it is just him and his dad again. (she told him the reason he only sees his dad when he does is my fault, she told him I am the reason they are not together any more) We tried to get shared custody but she refused and then told him his dad didn't want him any more that he had replaced him with his new family (I have 3 older children from a previous marriage that live with us full time.) The boys visit every other weekend and the oldest knows he better have some dirt on me when he comes home or his mom harasses him until he makes some up. The last dirt he invented caused her to threaten me with child services. I love my step kids and their dad but life is becoming impossible. There is no controlling her and the damage is she doing to her children is vast....


goingcrazy1447's picture

I can understand how you feel. Sounds like BM is Very jealous. But the only thing she is doing is hurting the kids. My Skids BM is the same way about her SD, luckly not with me but her SD's BM and her hate eachother, she is always trying to provoke her SD BM to do or say anything that will hold up in court. That kind of behavior does nothing but hurt the child(ren). I HATE THAT SH**.

chellebelle143's picture

Tell dh to save those emails, print them out and start a file. As for her telling the Sk ugly things about you, just prove her wrong, treat them exactly as you did before. Bm tried that big time, and I just continued to show SS love and patience, even when he has said hurtful things. I know they aren't coming from him. You know in dh divorce decree it states that neither parent is supposed to question the child about what is going on in the separate homes. Maybe if you end up taking her back to court this can be brought up.

My poor ss has to deal with getting grilled when he gets home. We don't ask him anything about what goes on at her house, EXCEPT when it is concerning if bm is in the hospital, no one else will tell us, and even then we just ask if he is staying at his great aunts house. We know if he is it means she is in the hospital again.

It is sad that your SS has to make up lies to appease BM's sick insecure, behavior. I know others have posted about the book "Divorce Poison" . It is a great guide to use in identifying Parental Alienation Syndrome. I didn't find the suggestions realistic for repairing our situation, but it was worth the read.
Good luck, and just keep your head up!

kme01's picture

I have saved it all, problem is that when confronted she claims that he is SOOOO upset by me that he just tells her this stuff, then he tells me that she drills him, then later he backtracks and says or no I didn't mean that. He is so caught in the middle and sometimes i don't knowwhat to believe because she recently tried to convince him that we got divorced his life would be better so he activitely all summer long campained for his dad to leave me. He's 8 tears old for pete's sake, when we went to court with her last year she conviince everyone she was this stellar poor mother who counldn't afford more tahn a trailer home, yet she never divulged all the cash jobs she does or the fact that she get almost 900 CAD a month in governtment tax free support for their youngest with Down's syndrome, made him look really bad beecause she never shares info about dr or school appointments with him then claims he just wasn't interested. Argghhhh!!!!!!! It just makes me so mad becaus none of this is even about the kids and me repalacing her to them, it's about the fat that she was adopted and told by parents who never felt secure in her love because of that fact that she was a princess and the world should worship at ther feet, and he did for a long time, even after she kicked him and because she was cheating on him with his friend. Then he met me realized what ahealthy relationship was all about and has moved on. She can't stand that he doesn't want her any more that he prefers me. (She is younger than I am but doesn't look it) It is so sick she just got married in June if I were that guy I would run far away, why would you want to be with someone sho still has that much feeling for an ex? Doesn't help that she is overweight, and I am not.
She smokes ont he hoiuse with a child with a heart condition, she drinks all, the time, my ss know all the different brands of rum out there and was allowed to tend bar at their backyard wedding. remember he's 8. BM was with one guy hanging all over him at ss christmas concert on Dec 20 then March 1 we find out a different guy moved in 2 weeks prior to that and that they are getting married. That was guy # 8 she had brought into the home with the kids since that split in 2004 but none of this means anything in court according to his lawyer, oh yeah did I mention that she has driven drunk with the kids in the car and cheated on her taxes last year ( invented receipts for childcare and got her friends to sign off that they had babysat for her, was awarded lump sum of 5000CAD then turned around and claimed 2000cad in unreimbursed childcare onher 2006 filing. My husband who had paid this money not her couldn't claim it because she already had but she didn't pay it he did. All she wants is money, the kids are always in daycare or at babysiotters that we pay for even though she no longer works she doesn't need to the gvernment and bd pay her way. Now bm and n ew hasband hav emoved to small towen without our approval 11/2 hrs away and neither one has a job they just live off of suppport bd pays. Nice for them She doesn't really want the kids but she won't let us hav ethem either, some day something will happen because there is not proper supervision there but we can't do anything about it until it ddoes because we don't have proof except what we see and that won't stand up incourt!!!@!!!!!!

My children are older 21, 17 and 14 and they have learned a valuable lesson from this, be careful who you have kids with because you are stuck with that person for life!!!!!!

shandee's picture

I am a stepmom of a 9 yr old girl. I have 4 kids of my own who live w my husband and i. We are going through the exact same thing with the BM!!! She sits at the right hand of the devil....... she has been trying to ruin our marriage from the start and some day i think its working!!! Dont have time to post much now but I would greatly love to join the conversation and get some good advice from other mothers who are in the same situation!!

DYNAMITE's picture

I can always tell by the kids when she has been badmouthing me but she swears that she dosent even think about me ha ha ha yeah right
BUt this chick sounds like trailer trash are you sure she is not neighbors with our BM. I am going to read "Divorce Poison"
and see if it can help but as for now I would get a lawyer and fight that crap. We are right now, fighting for joint custody

I wish I could sell her for what she thinks she is worth, I'd be a millionare. HA HA

frustrated like nobodies business's picture

I'm starting to think I should run for the hills FASST...we're supposed to be in the honeymoon phase of our relationship and instead we are constantly having turmoil in our house because of BM...and from the looks of it, it's not going to get any better!! only, oh man...what do I do?? I'm not married yet, should I just cut my losses...I can't believe I just said that...See what these crazy BM's do to us??

DYNAMITE's picture

If your not in love with him yeah
RUN but it only gets better for us and I have never dated anyone with kids
I think he is a great man and I wouldnt trade him for the world

I wish I could sell her for what she thinks she is worth, I'd be a millionare. HA HA

frustrated like nobodies business's picture

I loooooooove him....I was just what point with all the stress and issues do you come to a crossroads? Is it when you start to loose yourself in the middle of the war? or before that happens? I mean no one minds making sacrifices for the people you love..but at what point do you say enough is enough? I just wondered what you guys thought about that...

DYNAMITE's picture

and can serious think he isnt worth it
thats when you should re-think the relationship

IF you think its tough now (it only gets tougher with all her shit)
you will get used to her and kinda be weathered and ready for whatever "CRAZY" throws at you.

All I can say is that I am tough and a fighter. I dont give up on my man for anything or anyone; her or the kids.

Do NOT ever loose yourself in the war always stay true to yourself and your man, if you loose yourself thats when she wins... don let her do that to you

I wish I could sell her for what she thinks she is worth, I'd be a millionare. HA HA

evilstepmonster's picture

My BM's just as awful if not worse. She had the nerve to call DFS on my kid and tell them that he was a sexual predator. GOD THE NERVE! They are all just jealous and need to get a life and move on.

shandee's picture

I thought I was the only one going through this!!!! It has been hell for almost 3 years!!! My sd has started acting strange lately, shes increasingly rude and selfish. Her BGMother is now living with them and is supposedly being paid to be daycare for her and her baby sister.( The baby is her bm's with her new bf. ) The gma is a nut case and complete white trash!!! She fills sd head full of so much crap its not funny!!! How do ppl breed such hate and discontent in a child!!! I have spent way to much time worring myself sick and having anxiety over these ppl....... when does it ever get better?