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Years of Signs that I didn't see

KeepTrying's picture

As I look back on my years with SD, now 15, I can't help but see the signs I should have seen back then.

Conversation with SD when she was about 7

SD: what are you doing?
ME: trimming my bangs
SD: why don't you go to the beauty shop?
ME: I don't have time, and it's just one little spot bothering me. But you know you are not allowed to cut your own hair right?
SD: Yes I know
ME: Are you sure you understand that? You are not allowed to cut your hair.
SD: I understand.

3 Hours Later

SD: SM, does this piece of hair look shorter to you than the rest of my hair?
ME: SD...Did you cut your hair???!!
SD: No...I don't know what happend... (blank stare)
ME: SD...YOU CUT YOUR HAIR...Did we not just talk about that?
SD: But I didn't cut it.

DH enters...daughter - did you cut your hair...
SD: no daddy
DH: There sure seems to be a big chunk missing - Daughter...where is the hair you cut off???
SD: I didn't cut it

We go on like that for quite some finally finds HUGE clump of hair hidden behind a radio speaker in SD bedroom along with a pair of craft scissors.

DH: have got to set a better example. She saw you cut your hair and wanted to be like you.

It's always our fault isn't it??

This is a funny story that most moms can relate to because all kids do this kind of stuff. However, for her, it was the first lie (that I knew of) in a series of lies that have continued on. Gone are all the signs of lying..averted eyes, tearing up when she's stone faced, no emotions.

I'm going to pick new lies to write about daily.


bioandstep2009's picture

My SS9 lies constantly about little things, big things, anything to avoid taking responsibility. And no matter how overwhelming and obvious the evidence, he'll regurgitate, "I didn't do it" or whatever denial. It is SO frustrating. We've talked to him about lying, the story about the boy who cried wolf, little lies leading to bigger ones, bad character etc. and nothing gets through to him. Punishments don't seem to work either. FH and I are at a loss as to HOW we can BREAK this terrible habit. Any advice or do we just have to keep calling him on each and every lie?

pixildust's picture

That's pretty creative, and would hopefully get the kids to think twice about lying.

Part of the issue could be that they're afraid of punishment, and would lie anyway to avoid punishment.

I've also felt sick to death of my SS11's lying. He's been lectured about character and morals, made to write essays on trust and ethics, had freedoms and privileges revoked. And still kept on lying.

Most recently he really broke a straw with me. He was clearly, in no uncertain terms, expressly forbidden from ever touching my pellet guns (yeah, mine not DH, ha) unless I was there ensuring he was wearing eye protection and shooting at proper targets. He asked me one evening at dinner if we could spend some time shooting that weekend. He was all excited about it, and was talking about the guns in such a way it seemed to me that he had handled them very recently... So, I asked him if he had been messing with them. He said "no." I stared him down until he melted a little and confessed to just looking at them, but putting them right back. He insisted that he hadn't and wouldn't ever fire them without my permission. Yeah, right. He missed his window to tell the truth. When I pulled out the gear for our shooting day, I discovered a pellet in the chamber and a piece loose on one of the guns. I scoured the backyard and found ample evidence of his shooting. It was early morning, so I stomped into his room and shook him awake. I confronted him with the evidence. He tried his best to look all sorry, but I totally lost my temper and told him he was a useless liar. I even kicked over a basket of his clean laundry and shouted, "YOU'RE A LIAR!" I rattled off a list of the lies he'd told and launched him into a grueling punishment of housework and weeding on the spot while he was still in his little undies. Then, aside from ensuring his tasks were carried out that day, I didn't so much as look at him for 2 days after that. I pretended he didn't exist, and that was more than he could bear. He cried and apologized. I even pushed him away from trying to hug me and told him to save his worthless sorries. I got uber mean and told him he lost all credibility with me and was equivalent to the dirt on the soles of my shoes. He hasn't lied since then, but that's only been a month.

You know, I wouldn't really recommend my methods...but I have nothing to say to someone I am unable to trust. Even if that person is "just a child" I only end up despising them. I'd rather make that clear to the world than build up resentment inside myself. And don't even get me started on how many times that little punk has tried to use "I'm just a kid" to get out of his stupid acts...

bioandstep2009's picture

Afraid of punishment? Yes, I can understand that but most of the time, the things my SS9 lies about doing or not doing have no punishment to be afraid of. For example,

ME: "Could you please clear your plate SS9?"
SS9,Without hesitation: "It's not mine, it's DD10's".
ME: "Fine."


ME: "DD10, could you please clear your plate?"
DD10:"That's SS9's, my plate is already in the dishwasher. I ate all of my food and SS9 offered the rest of his to me". (DD10 has a huge appetite and SS9 is a picky eater who barely finishes anything he's given)
ME: "SS9, could you please clear your plate now"
SS9, on the verge of tears: "But it's not mine, it's DD10's!"

~SIGH~ Honestly, I didn't even care that once again, he's wasted food. I just didn't want to see a plate with food sitting next to the sink. The worst that could have happened to him was that he would have had to clear the plate. I think he just didn't want to do it. Just like he can't be bothered to turn off lights, close the fridge door, close drawers and cabinets when done etc. It just seems so dumb to lie about these things.

As for crayon's advice, I'm sure FH wouldn't approve. And even if he did, the whole "putting yourself in someone's shoes" seems to be largely lost on SS9 because he is SO self centered. The universe revolves around him. FH, all the adults in life and his friends are here solely for his entertainment. But that's another topic, not related to the post Wink