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You guys were right!

kay's picture

Picked up SS last night as planned. However, our plan was not the same as BM. She was supposed to meet DH with SS and tell them together that SS was not comming back to her and staying with DH. She didn't even come meet with DH to have the "talk". Sent SS with stepdad. Needless to say, SS does not know that there is no returned trip planned. DH has to tell him tonight by himself. How selfish can we, I mean she, be. This was a request of BM to send him to us and then she pulls back. Says she can't handle saying goodbye, too emotional. What do you think we did 8 years ago when she took the kids out of state away from us. It is not about her. She should have been there. On another note, I took all of your advice and set up dr appoint for him. I will keep you posted as we start a new journey together.


sarahbernheart's picture

how did the talk go?
has BM called at all??

“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”

kay's picture

Talk went GREAT. He was so excited. I know it is the honeymoon period but at least it is a great start. He seems honestly happy. I will keep you all updated. Thanks for the respose.