Adult meltdowns...
My "DH"-- an unfitting abbreviation really, we are engaged for next summer-- my fiancé-- is a good man. He works very hard, and gives 60-75% of every paycheck to BM. This leaves him some weeks with $75 to himself after working. 40 hours, and he is taking online classes to get a second degree and hopefully get a better job. Bm really did a number on him. He used to have a much better paying job, when they were married, he worked at a plant and made $18/hr plus frequent OT, but during the divorce he learned that his mother was very ill and maybe dying, and they were losing their home because BM over-drew their bank accounts, so with nowhere to stay and wanting to be their for his Mom he moved home, which is where we met. Now, I work full time, I also rent half my house, and i have my own business that is basically a second full-time job, though i manage to cram all the labor for that into weekends and evenings. When we became serious about seeing each other he moved into my house. I knew he was strapped financially, and what he doesn't send to CS basically goes to the long bi-weekly visitation commute and getting a hotel room with the kids (he cannot stay with BM, even if she had room, she is just too completely awful to him). Usually we are ok, we work a lot but we do ok. DH and i even put out a YA novel, published it with a good publisher, and appeared on a local radio station, did a mini book tour, etc, so we have been doing good stuff together. But sometimes the pressure of working all the time and bringing home less than a third after taxes just breaks him down.
Last night after a particularly rough time with his homework (he thinks he may fail this particularly hard class, for a second time, because the teacher on this online course just doesn't teach! They kind of just say "eh, read the book and don't bother me!" They assume all their students are young jerk kids with all the free time in the world-- not middle aged adults trying to better themselves and working full time) he just melted down. He was sobbing and saying really upsetting stuff that implied suicide("i just can't do this," "i can't go through the next 12 years this way"). I hold him and tell him to just get through today, and that it won't always be like this, but he is just unconsolable when he has one of these breakdowns. Nothing i say seems to help, no matter how honest or positive or supportive I am he is just positive that he is a failure and life will never get better. I try to tell him that life will always be a combination of better and worse, it's never all shit and disaster, it's never all sunshine and flowers. I am deeply disturbed when he says this sort of thing because he had a childhood friend who committed suicide when they were 14, and i know it affected him very profoundly. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, but I have had it under control the last few years, and in fact i don't think DH has ever seen me have a full-blown episode. I know when you suffer from a mental disorder that things that seem clear to other people just do not seem even close to within reach for you. I just don't know what to do.
Sometimes I get so overwhelmed. By the end of his whatever-the -hell-episode (depression? Anxiety? Panic?) it was after 1am, both of us had worked 10 hours and he had done 5hours of homework while i did other work on the couch beside him. By the time his meltdown was over we had both been in tears, i was so exhausted I barely remember laying down. I have just no idea what to do. We just ordered wedding invites, and I am here wondering if i can handle the rest of my life facing these kind of breakdowns. To be fair, they are infrequent, maybe once every six months, less lately. He is improving. I love him so much. And I know his ex wife just made him feel worthless as he full-time job, she still tries! Why is everything so freaking hard. If DH coukd just find a job that didn't suck his soul out for pennies, or if he would agree to reducing his CS... But both of those are sort of big if's right now... :.(
- Kattkatt's blog
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He must do a Cs reduction if
He must do a Cs reduction if it is eating up that much of his current paycheck. When he gets a better paying job Cs will definitely go up. Crazy not to.
I know! That's what I say,
I know! That's what I say, too! But I can't FORCE him to pay less, or adjust. He has to want it. :/
We went around and around on
We went around and around on reducing the CS, especially after i hired the lawyer. He feels enormous guilt, from every side, even though I don't care that I have to pay for the lawyer, he feels terrible for it(i won't lie, it is a strain, lawyers aren't cheap! But the alternative was to let the f*cking harpy ex just ruin his life!). He wants to give the kids as much as he can. I understand that, but it doesn't GO to the kids, it goes to the f*cking harpy. And she treats it like it's her due! She left him the very week the second boy came home. He paid 50000 to adopt that boy, she left him the very week little guy two came home. He got to see his second son for one week before she took both kids and destroyed their credit and left because she thought she had found a better sugar daddy (who dropped her like the hot mess she was about three weeks later!). It makes me mad, but he was so used to her abuse by then he just folded up and tried to make her happy by giving her his life's savings, emptying his 401k and giving her their entire last tax return. I mean, he made a lot of mistakes. Huge financial mistakes. But he did it to try to make that bitch happy, and try to save their marriage, and now she acts like he is worthless because he doesn't give her every single cent he makes.
i get so frustrated.
It's hard to be coherent right now, i haven't had a full night's sleep all week.
you did the very best thing
you did the very best thing for him - just held him and cried with him.
i know what you're going through.
PM me if u want and i can talk more.
I know what it's like to have
I know what it's like to have to pay almost all of your pay check into cs. I lost custody of my kids for awhile (long sad story) and while living with DH (bf at the time) I was not only paying cs but was also carrying the bulk of the household expenses too b/c dh did not have a job. I had to work overtime with another company so as to get more to cover bills. At least your fiance has you! But he should get his cs reduced.
If he really wants the money
If he really wants the money to go to his children, perhaps he could file to pay the absolute minimum to the BM, and open a separate savings account for them, to be accessed when they are ready for university. This way, control of the money goes back to Dad and he is still providing for his children, which is clearly a priority to him.
It also leaves more leeway in the sense that he controls when/how much money goes in the account.
I worked 2 jobs and cared for my mother while going through University, so I do know exactly how he feels and sympathise. It does get better once school is over, honestly.
Kids need strong, secure, happy parents in order to be happy themselves. Remind him of that - he is no good to them if he is depressed through exhaustion. They need their Dad healthy so he owes it to them to take care of himself, in every way.
Haha, you are preaching to
Haha, you are preaching to the choir! I have said almost word for word these things.... Not sure how much gets through. We are making slow progress. Thank you for your support, it is heartening to hear things I say from others. So i know i am not alone!
maybe if he realizes that you
maybe if he realizes that you have the thought in your mind that you may not be able to spend your life trying to "save" him, he'll actually take the step of having child support lowered in order to ease some of the burdens you both have? and then spends the REST of his money on cummutes to visit skids instead of paying his bills??? it's absolutely ridiculous that he refuses. he's going to HAVE to get over the guilt. he's very much over-paid. it's time to stand up for himself and for you. the two of you are trying to plan for a future, but honey he's still stuck in the past. if he doesn't mind being miserable himself and refuses to help himself because of guilt, why doesn't he feel guilty for putting these burdens on you? you say he does, but it's not enough to make him act on. I know you love him, but honey love aint all there is to a relationship. this sounds like a simply miserable future for you.