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Dec 12, 2013 -- The Next Chapter

KatsMom37's picture


Today I have made the decision to leave for good. I just don't know where I'll go or how I'll start but I know I'll make it.

My friend L has offered to let me stay at his house with my daughter until I get my own place. I'm scared right now of the unknown but I've done it before and I know I can do it again. I just thank god for having such a great friend in my life to help with the bad times.

I'm definitely going to miss my home and my family and my community and scared that I'll never find what I need in life. I hate being 37 and starting all over again after so many times, but I'm kind of excited to start this new chapter. I only hope to be able to sort my life around so that I don't run into Trey again around town.

I love him so much but I can't do this anymore and am hoping that each day will bring me further from this chaos and closer to my goals.

I pray that the Creator will guide me on my journey <3


stormabruin's picture

Absolutely right^^^

It's AMAZING how much strength you will find you have inside of you. It can be overwhelming to think about going from where you are to where you want to be, but it isn't nearly so difficult when you actually walk it because you'll be walking one step at a time.

I can tell you, leaving my ex is something I wouldn't trade for the world. That journey built me.

You can do this!

DarkStar's picture

KM, I just turned 40 and have my exit plan in place.

It IS scary, but exhilarating at the same time, kind of like skydiving!!!

You CAN do this, surround yourself with friends and support and give yourself a big hug for doing the right thing!

The right thing is rarely the easy thing.

grow-a-nut's picture

I am one year out on my own. I know as scared as I was, it was still better than living in hell. Good luck in your journey.

stepnicole2010's picture

I left 3 months ago. It's very scary, but I feel a better and stronger every day. You'll be amazed how much strength you have.

I loved my ex so much too, but I have to love myself and my mental health more.

You will find what you need, because each time we start over (and I have been there-I'm 45) we are stronger. And we know more about what we DON'T want.

Keep reading this board for strength and write when you need support. xo