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Well…. Finally

kalaodell's picture

So MIL came to my DD pre k graduation, as well as adopted "nana" is what she calls her, MIL hasn't been part of my DD life due to choose SD over my DD. Long story short, both grandmas were in the house and SD says to DD look both nanas are here and my DD says I only have 1 nana and it ain't her pointing at MIL. I had to walk away before I cracked up in front of her. MIL has yet to talk to me even though SD is there for the week cuz MIL is on vacation and wanted her. Such a weird situation. SD mom decided to lie to SD saying she was going to come down for the week of the 4th and never showed up very sad :( 


Harry's picture

So she showed up to look good, concerned about DD.  I really don't like two face people. People who don't want to be part of my, and family life is ok with me. I don't kiss a88.  

Evil4's picture

Ha ha! Out of the mouths of babes! LMFAOOOO 

I would reward your DD with the biggest damn ice-cream cone ever! That's hilarious! 

I love how MIL got powned by a pre-K child. That is what you call poetic justice.

I know you say you walked away before you could laugh but I wonder what the look on MIL's face was.

kalaodell's picture

Omgggg she didn't talk the rest of the time she was at my house or the graduation lol

Rags's picture

That little girl did a great job rubbing MILs nose in the stench it belongs in.

Great job young lady!!!!