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SD20 tells DH her ex BF gave her chlamydia and she "might" be pregnant

Justwantsomepeace's picture

Am I crazy? Am I the only one that thinks that there are just some things you don't tell your dad?

DH tells me yesterday that the day before SD20 tells him her exBF (they dated 5 months and broke up 5 times in that period because he kept cheating on her) gave her chlamydia and that she might be pregnant. She's not sure if she's pregnant, she isn't even late yet, but she's been feeling "bad".

What really pisses me off, is that it didn't even occur to her that telling him this might upset him? It's like she did it on purpose to be the center of attention (long history of this). When DH told me, I said don't you think it's a little strange that she's having this conversation with you if she doesn't know if she's pregnant or not? I would have rather walked through fire than to tell my dad I was pregnant or had an STD at 20, unmarried, etc. I said that it seemed like she was trying to get attention. He said, no it's not like that this time, this time is different. Are you fing kidding me?

She told him that she really misses me and wishes she could talk to me about this because I'm the only one who could help her and understand. Guilt trip much? I think your BM might understand, given that she got pregnant with you at 17 and I don't have any bio children. And it isn't my fault that you've destroyed relationships with everyone. Don't you have a girlfriend to talk to?

DH and SD20 have had MANY conversations about having children at her age, since he's been through it and it isn't an easy road. He's told her since she was about 16 that he isn't helping her financially or otherwise raising a child. DH and his family are very conservative and don't believe in abortion, so why is she having this conversation with him and telling him that she might have one? Selfish, selfish, selfish.

I don't know how, but this family manages to make me feel like I'm crazy. Am I?


Justwantsomepeace's picture

Their relationship has always been sort of strange. He's both friend and parent. But since she tried to get him arrested in January (see previous blogs) they haven't had a "friend" relationship at all.

She has no boundaries, if she does, she pushes them on purpose to see how people will react just to be dramatic. A trait well learned from BM.

stormabruin's picture

I would've hoped to be struck by lightening before having to tell my dad I had Chlamydia or I was pregnant by some guy I dated on & off for 5 months. Pregnancy becomes obvious at a certain point & will become a topic to discuss eventually. But, she "might" be pregnant, though she hasn't missed a period way would I suggest the possibilty until I was certain, & probably not even then. I'd probably have waited until I knew it couldn't be missed to say anything.

Given that, what would be a reason to EVER have to tell your father you've contracted an STD???

THAT is something that doesn't need to be shared between a father & daughter...(or anyone else if we're speaking literally. LOL!)

Sounds like she needs to be so frank in conversation with the guys she dates...

smileygirl's picture

Honestly, those are things that I would ever even consider talking to my father about. I nearly cried when 30 & married as I told him that I was pregnant. BUT, I honestly would feel very honored and prefer that my son feel that comfortable discussing his personal life with me. I think once our children are grown being a friend to them, someone that they feel comfortable confiding in is an amazing gift.

That said, it does sound like she has some growing up to do still. Maybe, if this is a real scare and not made up drama it will be just what she needs to take more responsibility for her actions.

Justwantsomepeace's picture

OK, that makes me feel better that I'm not the only one. That being said, why the hell did she do it then?