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Written Confrimation Of Crazy

just_tired's picture

BM wrote us a letter while she was still in jail and we just received it yesterday. In her own words and writing she admits to having Bipolar, Borderline Personality Disorder and Alcohol dependence. So none of her actions her truly her fault it's all because she is mentally ill.

I am sorry I grew up with a mother that was bipolar and she never went to jail and she never neglected us. Grow up BM, do what the doctors tell you to do and be a freakin adult.


just_tired's picture

The letter was in response to a letter we sent her after she asked what we thought she could do to become a better

So basically this letter was here is my excuses on why it's so hard for me to be a good mom and just a general good person.

My DH said all he read was I have Bipolar, Borderline Personality Disorder and am an alcoholic, then the rest was BLAH BLAH BLAH....

momandmore's picture

So I guess it was a good thing you sent that letter!! I would keep the one she sent, including the envelope for future use.

just_tired's picture

Well the first one I sent made her This letter she sent is reference to a 2nd letter I sent because she wrote us asking us some questions.