I need you to understand that everything DH and I have ever done was for the kids, it was never about you or not liking you. We fought for the kids because we could see they were lacking things. I understand you were a “single” mom, but there a ton of single moms out there that work a full time job, make sure kids go to school, make sure they study and provide a stable home.
I have been in the kids’ lives going on 4 years and I have never known anyone to move their children around the way you did them. Unless they were a military family, because sadly you couldn’t make your rent, they had to suffer. OSS is 10 years old and has switched schools six times and is behind in every class. SD has switched schools four times. Luckily YSS has only switched three times, the 3rd time was only because it is a program he needs. YSS is also extremely behind because he never got the therapies he needed from Easter Seals since he stop going in October 2011 for no good reason.
Not only did they move a ton in such a short period of time, they also saw multiple guys come in and out of their lives. What example does that show them, especially SD? I understand wanting to find that special person or love of your life, but you can’t put that in front of kids. The kids should always no matter what come before you and your wants/needs.
OSS is such an emotional mess and part of that I feel comes from his growth hormone deficiency. I have done a ton of research and spoken with doctors about this deficiency. Not only does it delay his growth, but it will also delay his matured and more than likely puberty. Majority of the time YSS acts older than OSS. Due to the fact of him not always getting his medication or the medication not being keep cold and going bad, I feel that has severely delayed him even more. I also feel that he keeps his feelings bottled up and won’t say what’s really going for what reason I do not know. He is also still holding is bowl movements, the accidents don’t happen as much, but this more than likely a control thing. He never felt there was much control in his life, but this he can control. We are doing everything we know and can to help him become the young man we know he can be, we are looking into different medications and have him scheduled to see a child psychiatrist.
SD is a very smart, sweet and sassy girl. Thankfully we don’t have many issues or concerns with her. She can be very clingy at times and from all the research I have done, this could be from the uncertainty she has experienced in life.
YSS is amazing and such a great pleasure to have in my life and I’m so happy to be a part of his journey. He has made leaps and bounds in the year that he has been with. It makes me so sad to know how much he struggled and the lack of help that was given to him. I know the lady that owns The Garden School and my best friend was one of the teachers there (yes the world is small). We know YSS never or rarely had his hearing aids and that even goes into when he went to Bend Gate. How did you think he was ever going to learn how to speak, read or write without giving him the tools he truly needed? It breaks my heart to think how hard life was for him, because he couldn’t understand people and people couldn’t understand him. He is now slowly reading, learning sign language and knows how to handle basic math problems.
I pray and hope that at some point you will realize the amazing gifts you were given in these 3 kids. I never thought I would end up becoming a “mom” of 3 more kids over night, but if they need me I will be there for them. They know you are mom and I do remind them when they need it that you do love them and miss them. I also tell them that they have me and dad that also love them and we will continue to do for them like we should.
I just needed to express my feeling wanted or not. I love these kids and treat them as my own. I now take care of my step children more than I do my own son. So yes I love them like my own and I will do everything in my power to give them the life they deserve and help them achieve amazing things when they get older.
Yes I did send this to her, she is sitting in jail right now. I have had to hold so much hatred in that I need to have really hear some of my feelings. For my skids sake I do hope and pray that one day she will figure life out and be the real mom they need.
LOL....that's very sweet and to the point. I don't think she will care at all, it's probably gonna piss her (which I could careless). I wrote and sent the letter to make myself feel better, I guess it was a selfish moment. Which I feel I have deserved completely.
Glad this made YOU feel better, you honestly should have sent it to yourself. Not trying to be a jerk, but BM is not going to give a rat's ass about your feelings, or that of her kids for that matter. Even though she is sitting in jail, I'm sure she has someone else to blame and feels that all of her actions are justified.
BM1 has 5 kids with 3 different baby daddies, just got evicted for the umpteenth time, has been hotlined with CPS, had cases FOUNDED with CPS, does drugs, pops pills, sells pills, shoplifts and those are only the things we KNOW about... but yet she blames ME for SD16 moving to Virginia, yet she threatened to hotline ME because I "yelled" at SD16.
These woman are legends in their own minds. No amount of letters, jail time, etc are going to change that.
I don't blame you for sending the letter. It was an outlet. You're right, it probably won't do any good but I do understand trying to get through to BM. I tried for about a year. It didn't do any good at all. I ignored the negative and reminded her of her parenting time, she didn't care so I stopped.
I just hope with this letter that she doesn't take offense and want to play "victim" and try to get you for something. Not that she would.. Just how our BM2 would do.
I need you to understand that
I need you to understand that everything DH and I have ever done was for the kids, it was never about you or not liking you. We fought for the kids because we could see they were lacking things. I understand you were a “single” mom, but there a ton of single moms out there that work a full time job, make sure kids go to school, make sure they study and provide a stable home.
I have been in the kids’ lives going on 4 years and I have never known anyone to move their children around the way you did them. Unless they were a military family, because sadly you couldn’t make your rent, they had to suffer. OSS is 10 years old and has switched schools six times and is behind in every class. SD has switched schools four times. Luckily YSS has only switched three times, the 3rd time was only because it is a program he needs. YSS is also extremely behind because he never got the therapies he needed from Easter Seals since he stop going in October 2011 for no good reason.
Not only did they move a ton in such a short period of time, they also saw multiple guys come in and out of their lives. What example does that show them, especially SD? I understand wanting to find that special person or love of your life, but you can’t put that in front of kids. The kids should always no matter what come before you and your wants/needs.
OSS is such an emotional mess and part of that I feel comes from his growth hormone deficiency. I have done a ton of research and spoken with doctors about this deficiency. Not only does it delay his growth, but it will also delay his matured and more than likely puberty. Majority of the time YSS acts older than OSS. Due to the fact of him not always getting his medication or the medication not being keep cold and going bad, I feel that has severely delayed him even more. I also feel that he keeps his feelings bottled up and won’t say what’s really going for what reason I do not know. He is also still holding is bowl movements, the accidents don’t happen as much, but this more than likely a control thing. He never felt there was much control in his life, but this he can control. We are doing everything we know and can to help him become the young man we know he can be, we are looking into different medications and have him scheduled to see a child psychiatrist.
SD is a very smart, sweet and sassy girl. Thankfully we don’t have many issues or concerns with her. She can be very clingy at times and from all the research I have done, this could be from the uncertainty she has experienced in life.
YSS is amazing and such a great pleasure to have in my life and I’m so happy to be a part of his journey. He has made leaps and bounds in the year that he has been with. It makes me so sad to know how much he struggled and the lack of help that was given to him. I know the lady that owns The Garden School and my best friend was one of the teachers there (yes the world is small). We know YSS never or rarely had his hearing aids and that even goes into when he went to Bend Gate. How did you think he was ever going to learn how to speak, read or write without giving him the tools he truly needed? It breaks my heart to think how hard life was for him, because he couldn’t understand people and people couldn’t understand him. He is now slowly reading, learning sign language and knows how to handle basic math problems.
I pray and hope that at some point you will realize the amazing gifts you were given in these 3 kids. I never thought I would end up becoming a “mom” of 3 more kids over night, but if they need me I will be there for them. They know you are mom and I do remind them when they need it that you do love them and miss them. I also tell them that they have me and dad that also love them and we will continue to do for them like we should.
I just needed to express my feeling wanted or not. I love these kids and treat them as my own. I now take care of my step children more than I do my own son. So yes I love them like my own and I will do everything in my power to give them the life they deserve and help them achieve amazing things when they get older.
Yes I did send this to her,
Yes I did send this to her, she is sitting in jail right now. I have had to hold so much hatred in that I need to have really hear some of my feelings. For my skids sake I do hope and pray that one day she will figure life out and be the real mom they need.
LOL....that's very sweet and
LOL....that's very sweet and to the point. I don't think she will care at all, it's probably gonna piss her (which I could careless). I wrote and sent the letter to make myself feel better, I guess it was a selfish moment. Which I feel I have deserved completely.
I do that A LOT on word!!
I do that A LOT on word!! Lol.
Glad this made YOU feel
Glad this made YOU feel better, you honestly should have sent it to yourself. Not trying to be a jerk, but BM is not going to give a rat's ass about your feelings, or that of her kids for that matter. Even though she is sitting in jail, I'm sure she has someone else to blame and feels that all of her actions are justified.
BM1 has 5 kids with 3 different baby daddies, just got evicted for the umpteenth time, has been hotlined with CPS, had cases FOUNDED with CPS, does drugs, pops pills, sells pills, shoplifts and those are only the things we KNOW about... but yet she blames ME for SD16 moving to Virginia, yet she threatened to hotline ME because I "yelled" at SD16.
These woman are legends in their own minds. No amount of letters, jail time, etc are going to change that.
I know deep down you all are
I know deep down you all are right and I am little naïve for thinking the letter I sent will do any good. But gotta try at least once, right?!?!?! :?
I don't blame you for sending
I don't blame you for sending the letter. It was an outlet. You're right, it probably won't do any good but I do understand trying to get through to BM. I tried for about a year. It didn't do any good at all. I ignored the negative and reminded her of her parenting time, she didn't care so I stopped.
I just hope with this letter that she doesn't take offense and want to play "victim" and try to get you for something. Not that she would.. Just how our BM2 would do.
I agree with every single
I agree with every single word you typed. I have much respect for this woman!!
Thank you momandmore, just
Thank you momandmore, just brought tears to my eyes
That means the world to me
Thank you so much and it's
Thank you so much and it's hard, but damn it I have to try to provide a good life for them, right?!?!?