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Amber Alert In DE

justanothergurlNJ's picture

Living in step hell tends to make my brain work a certain way. Am I the only one? As soon as I hear about a child/ren abducted by their father I automatically think, yea poor guy just snapped because he is dealing with a BM from hell who is hell bent on PASing, using the kid as a pawn for money or whatever. I can't be the only one can I?


hereiam's picture

I usually think it's some asshole who just wants to punish the mother through the kids.

A while back in this area, a guy took his kids and completely tormented his ex, not telling her where they were, stringing her along. Turns out, he had killed them, someone found their bodies three years after they were abducted.

ctnmom's picture

I tend to agree with Hereiam- the dads like the ones here on SD are too cowed by the BMs to do anything like that. What's the worst thing you can do to a woman with kids? It's not killing her, it's messing with her kids.