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I have never vented or blogged before

Just Trying My Hardest's picture

I don't know where to start. But essentially I am just profoundly overwhelmed with a sense of sadness and some frustration and I need to get it out of me. 

I have children and so does my partner . My ex is not in the picture and my children and I have a lower socio-economic status. My partner's ex is an involved parent and they have a high socio-economic status. 

The combining of families has been a struggle, which I was prepared for .It is very understandable that it would be so .My partner seems to have expected an easy and seamless transition . 

The children had all bonded prior to cohabitation . Their relationships resemble that of other siblings .They play , bicker, enjoy each other's company and can't stand each other's company. At the end of the day though, they all say and show a love for each other that is quite remarkable. All of the children involved have also expressed a bond of love with my partner and myself .

My partner, however, makes things very difficult in many ways. I am getting exhausted trying to maintain this family. My hurt today that I need to express comes from the fact that when his children are with us (EOW).... He hardly speaks to me at all. Barely ackowledges that I am present and disregards me almost entirely. 

I am trying so hard to be patient and understanding .But I am tired and hurt as this has been going on for a couple of years .And I just want it to stop. 


Harry's picture

It’s up to your SO to make his kids respect you.  As saying hello, goodby. Thank you.  It’s up to your partner to 

Show his kids what  is to be “part of the family”.  You can’t do it it’s up to him.  

Second choice is to disengage totally. No cooking, no gifts, no driving kids 

DaizyDuke's picture

I have a feeling that your partner feels guilty that your kids are with him 24/7 and his kids are only there EOWE, so he is overcompensating by giving them all of his attention.  It sounds like this is all fairly new? I'd talk to him about it, he probably doesn't even realize he's doing it, or he does and feels justified.  Either way, he needs to understand that his actions are hurting you. 

Pretty certain though that his arguement will be that he sees you every day but only sees his skids 4 times a month, and will claim you are being petty.