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Have SO had it this weekend!

June's picture

So for those of you who were reading my blog from last night- today wasn't much better. MY SS13 was in a foul mood all day. We were going to go bowling to get out of the house and do something but he moaned and groaned that he wasn't in the mood to go out. So we basically stayed inside all day for the most part. He is so strange at 13, no friends, no interest to speak of.. nothing. He just sat in the recliner in the living room literately all day long and either played his hand held video games or watched tv. For about the last 3 hrs he was here he pulled a blanket over his head and 'pretended' to sleep. If you would try to talk to him or ask what was wrong he would just grunt. If he is going to be a crabby ass I wish he could 'pretend' to sleep or play his video games in one of the other many rooms we have in the house. I couldn't even enjoy my husbands company today (his ONLY day off) we didn't go out.. it was just totally miserable. Then as Dh was getting ready to go I think he could tell I was getting antsy for him to leave with little drama queen he starts taking his time and ever so slooooowly getting ready.. It was driving me nutz.. finally I said..'would you just hurry up!' (yes, I was THIS desperate for SS to be gone immediately) So DH gets mad at me and slams the door in my face on his way out. OOOH! I am so sick and tired of wasted weekends. I work my ass off and I like to enjoy the weekend and SS is such a bore to have around I really cant stand it. Between his attitude last night and his stick-in-the-mud attitude today I have just had it. Next weekend on the nights he is over I will be making plans.. even if its just locking myself in the bedroom watching movies. Its a shame thou that I cant even enjoy my husbands company on the one day a week he is off thanks to Mr. moody blues.


Tx mommy of 3's picture

Yeah, I feel like I have an eow husband! Next time if dh is wanting to leave, I'd leave ss at home and grab lunch just the two of you. Why punish yourselves?

buttercookie's picture

exactly, you are letting a snot nosed teen ruin your weekend. Go about your life if he doesn't want to do anything