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i must love drama

jstorie's picture

i have a chance to not have anything to do with this child. but i can't do it. im serious i want to shoot myself. biomom gave sd her phone becuase its not right for a teen not to have a phone right? it doesn't matter the boy who raped sd was picked up this morning for first degree rape charges.but then i find out sd is hanging out with the brothers sister again. this could really not be good for that case. this girl acts and talks like a ho. the more the days go on the more sick i get. i don't know how to play step-mom when i have been MOM this whole time. she called me by my name. before dh and i even started dating this girl was calling me mom. i don't get it guys and i thought i would be happy but i really didn't want to see her go to her drug-head bio mom! im so upset i don't even know where to start. and before all you tell me to let it go. i don't know how. i don't! i don't know how to get the self-control to not look at grades or is she skipping. she has been my responsibility since day one. i should be greatful this toxic mess isn't about me or around my other two children. how do i explain all this to them when they realize she is really not at her grandmas anymore. most people would be done after one time dhs called on me...i was/not! becuase i held on and now years later i don't know how to move on with my life. I know this is stupid and ridiculous. and why should i care. but i do. and i need some serious help... anyone else go to counsling for something like this? i always wanted to adopt becuase that was what i was supposed to do. but then i got sd and that took a way it was actual adoption... now what?


luv2luv's picture

I think you are suffering the way a lot of people in abusive and toxic relationships do. You care about the other person even if they are hurting you. It takes a lot of work to effectively disconnect emotionally from the other person. I think you should see a therapist. This was a relationship of yours that needs to end for your sanity, therapy will help with the acceptance part of it.

LikeMinded's picture

ok i'll be the bad guy... maybe this perspective can help:

Your MAIN responsibility is to protect your own kids. Your kids are not unimpressionable. If she is behaving this way with sex and general irresponsiblity,, what kind of influence is she having on your kids?

Maybe you could see this as a blessing in disguise. I know it sounds cold, but perhaps getting her away from your kids and focussing on them is what's best for them.

Anyways, I doubt BM will be able to give her the comfort she's accustomed to, and she'll be back.