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This is the first week that officially SS13 would have been with BM

Jsmom's picture

Well today normally SS would be going off to school and getting off the bus after at BM's. Not anymore...He did tell me yesterday that he was afraid that he would go to her house out of habit. Told him then if you do that walk home. (We live in the subdivision across the street) This weekend will start her every other weekend vistation with him. Wouldn't you know that SD15 is putting all over Facebook that the Step Sister from CA is coming for a visit. This is the same kid who we had to go to court years ago to put on a restriction about her being around SS and SD. She had been expelled from the HS for beating up a girl. Sent to Boot camp and eventually moved back to CA. Well the restriction was lifted on her during the last mediation. But, because BM refused to execute that agreement, it has never been signed off on.

The new order has not been executed either because they are supposed to give us the holiday schedule she wants for the next 9 months until SS turns 14. Of course they are delaying.

Told DH I have issues sending SS over and exposing her to this girl. Her myspace page would scare anyone...He refuses to stir the pot. Well I went off. You want me to be a mother to this child and you will not listen to me about this? He just wants to delay this last page in the hopes that she will not get it done until after Halloween and Thansgiving so we can have him. Honestly, we will have him anyway. We have not had him in years, if ever and it is written in the original decree that they are supposed to alternate holidays.

I know she is going to spend the weekend doting on this other kid and not focusing on SS. Unbelievable...

I never communicate with her. I have written countless emails over the years and deleted them. Sent one letter two years ago when she did something unexcusable to my BS. Well I told DH that I am thinking of sending a text on Thursday when it is too late for her to do anything.

"Know your plans this weekend. I hope you have something in writing that says she can be with your kids."

That is it. I do not want him around this mess. If it were not for Facebook, we would have no clue. DH is wrong for not saying no. What would she do, call the police? There is nothing that they have executed. By the time it would get figured out, SS will be 14 and there is nothing the judge will do. He will not force visitation.

I am sure me communicating will piss her off since she hates me and blames me for everything. But, I don't care. I take my responsibility as his SM, seriously. He doesn't want to go since he knows she will ignore him all weekend now.

On a happy note, this kid really wants me to step up and be his mom. Yesterday, he asked me to chaperone a field trip. I asked him if he was sure and he said yes. I asked if he asked his Dad and he said yes and it was up to me. So I am doing it. What is she going to do? Nothing, she never does anything like this. She never volunteers for anything at school. I am glad he asked. For the ladies that have separate finances, I even made DH pay for my portion. It is a rather expensive field trip. Things are going well with SS. He is getting A's and seems so happy. I am sure his mood will change as we get to Friday.

I am sure my text won't stop her but, it will at least make her make a paniced phone call racking up fees to her attorney.


Jsmom's picture

I mentioned it to him and he couldn't believe his mom was not going to spend time with him. I told him if you are uncomfortable or being ignored. Call us and we will come get you or you can always walk home...Hopefully he does, because then maybe she will realize that she needs to devote these weekends to him. Give this kid the attention he deserves.