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O/T Kinda...So over rude, unfiltered people

jojo68's picture

This morning at work a co-worker tells me "Why do you look kinda pretty today? Did you wash your face or something?" Really??? Now mind you this guy is a highly uneducated, complete moron who is a few french fries short of a Happy Meal anyways but still it really pisses me off when people think they can just do and say whatever the f*** they want to. I wonder what he would think if I asked him what happened to his teeth and he should really go see a dentist because his mouth resembles a hippo or if he was sick as a kid to make him so short...
I know that an autistic person can have this problem but they have an excuse. Most people I know who are this way are just just ignorant and think the world revolves around them and they can get away with doing and saying anything without consequences. SD14 is this way too she also says very inappropriate things things for her age...she runs through the house last night shouting "I am going to the bathroom...did you hear me dad??? I'm going to the bathroom!!!" WTH...I would think it would be a built in instinct to not do that.
Thanks for listening to me vent...this is just one of my pet peeves Sad


Willow2010's picture

WOW. That guy was just trying to upset you for some reason.

Some people suck and he knew that saying something like that will probably get to you more than other things.

What a jerk. Have you had issues with him before?

askYOURdad's picture

What an asshat... Have you ever been pregnant or are you planning to be? Holy crap the things people have said to me in the past few weeks.

Yesterday at work a male co-worker actually said "wow, your boobs are a lot bigger, your husband must like that, its a good size on you hopefully they will stay that way"

askYOURdad's picture

That's what I told him... here were my exact words...

"While I'm sure that kind of talk makes you popular with the boys in the locker room, I find it to be highly offensive. Aside from the fact that you would have to be a complete moron to sexually harass the head of the human resource department, have I ever given you any kind of indication that I would actually participate in a conversation of that nature?"

idiot co-worker: "blank stare:: ugh, I was just complimenting you, sheesh I guess pregnant women are moody

Me: You have got to be fucking kidding me? Guess who is doing 8-hours of sexual harassment training on the next holiday?

askYOURdad's picture

haha.... omg reminds me of this old timer that worked here and used to refer to anyone good looking as "foxy" or "she was a fox" (he was way less creepy than said co-worker from yesterday)

You are right, some guys just don't have filters. Normally I do have a sense of humor but this in particular crossed the line for me. I'm sure part of that is just being pregnant and feeling insecure/sensitive about it (yeah yeah pregnancy is cute... ummmm no I weight more, my boobs hurt, it's the dead of winter and I need a tax lol I don't want anyone looking at me)

zerostepdrama's picture

Ugh I have a female co worker like this. She thinks she can say whatever she wants because "I'm just being honest." No you are being a bitch. No one asked you to comment on my shirt. You took it upon yourself "to be honest" that my shirt isn't something that you would wear. Ummm okay...dont care.

My co worker is negative Nancy though. IMO she has a super sucky life, so I guess if my life was that bad then I would be negative to make myself feel better as well.

Sorry you had to deal with that. Just brush it off as you know this person is an idiot.

jojo68's picture

WOW...askyourdad...that is crazy. The boob comment was inappropriate but at least kinda flattering in a creepy kind of I work around alot of guys so I have had to roll with the punches and they definately take inappropriate to a whole new level!! That is just how they roll. We all kid around and I and the other girls who work there are cool with it. This guys I was talking about in the blog is a total idiot. He has also said stupid stuff to the other girls I work with.

amber3902's picture

When I lived in New York, the guys at the newspaper stand would always tell me "You look tired!" It would piss me off but I never could think of a snappy comeback.

Now that I think of it I would have said something like "You just told me I look like crap, thanks a lot!"

jojo68's picture

I had a woman tell me one time "You don't look as fat today...I wonder why?"
My boss is a complete redneck idiot who has no filter either...he told a guy who was interviewing for a job (who clearly had a prosthetic leg)"What is wrong with your leg?" Another person he told that they must weigh over 300 lbs and that they must eat a lot...WTF dude

Starla's picture

What a jerk, I'd reply with "coming from you, I will take that as a compliment" then smile and walk away. Don't let him get to you, he is acting like he is in grade school yet...

misSTEP's picture

My mom was similar. She would always give back-handed compliments. Like: "Oh, your hair looks so nice today. Not greasy like it normally looks."

Gee, thanks mom. I love you too.

Mercury's picture

I will never forget the most crappy, unfiltered, unintentionally rude thing I ever said (out loud) to a friend.

I had known her for a couple of years. She was short. Whatever, right? We decided to go out one evening and she came to my house to pick me up. I got in her car and noticed she had a booster seat. I laughed and made some sort of comment. She wasn't amused. She was required by law to use it. She was technically a little person but somehow that had never occurred to me before. Dense. Stupid. Foot in mouth. Ugh.

PetStr's picture

BM is like that. She'll say the dumbest things without thinking and the kids have picked the habit up. DH was telling me how when he was with BM, a neighbor was telling them how her son jumped off the roof of a 5 story building and committed suicide. BM starts laughing and goes "did he bounce?"
Last week I had one of my dogs that I had had for 11 years euthanized at the house. The 2 oldest skids walk in as the vet and his tech are carrying my dog out and SS15 goes, "oh Morgan's gone? Great! Can we get a Boxer?"

PetStr's picture
