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please help

Jgonzales54's picture

one out the my three step sons is a pathalogical liar and I have no idea how to help or communicate with him. he sees a counslors which he also lies to. His Bio mother is bi-polar and does not see them often. I am at the point where it is very hard to get close to him and I get my feelings hurt on a daily basis. any advice?


Kathi's picture

I would try to get him on meds and try therapy. Bio dad involved also. Try and read as much as you can about this condition because it is difficult to deal with. They go through highs and then way low. Maybe you could talk with someone yourself to help you get through this. Hang in there!

Jgonzales54's picture

Thanks for the words of encouragement. Yes, he lives with me (step mom) and BIO dad. His Bio mom is crazy and we have full custody. so, as you can see it is also a genetic thing he has been delt. We have tried theapy and every thing but meds. do you know of any meds for this? He is 10