jeannescott5490's Blog
You have got to be kidding me!!!! I think my husband has a death wish. (or am I over-reacting)
I don't even know where to start! Ok, so there is this guy where my husband works that is selling a car for $900. My husband thinks it would be a good car for his son. We have been talking about it for almost a week and I agreed.
Last week, my husband informed me that he bought tickets for port-a-pit chicken that happens this Friday, which is my Birthday.
Last night, my husband asked me to go to the bank and withdraw the money for the car today and he would purchase the car on Thursday.
So frustrated right now.
I was using the main computer, playing a game. R comes home and M says that I need to get off because R probably wants on so he can play his game and he doesn't have his laptop.(Because he took it over to his mom's house where she broke it) I should be nice and share the computer and just go get on my tiny laptop and finish what I was doing. (The reason I was playing on the main computer in the first place was because the screen is bigger and it's easier to do what I was doing.
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Gotta love it!
Wednesday R asked for a video game and M ran right out and got it for him. Tonight, R called and wanted another $20 to take his girlfriend to the movies. M jumped in his car and ran to the bank to withdrawal the money out for him. When M comes home I am going to inform him that I am going to start taking out spending money for me. Since we obviously have money to burn and I am a part earner of that money I am entitled to burn some myself.
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Here we go again
I woke up from sleeping (I work 3rds) and was told that R wants a game. M asked for my opinion and when I pointed out that he hadn't done anything to earn the game, it was made into a joke and they just left to go pick up the game.
This is exactly what I hate about being a step-parent. We have less than 200 dollars in our account, I asked if he couldn't wait until we got paid on Friday, but obviously you can see how that went over.
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Can't have it both ways.
He wants me to treat R as if he was my own. But then he doesn't want my input on how to raise him.
So how exactly do I go about doing that? It makes no sense to me.
If I were to treat R as if he were my own, then things would be very different in this house. BUT I CAN'T and any attempt that I make toward that "goal" is shot down immediately.
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My life the soap opera ( Well sort of).
A while back R was dating a girl named H. I didn't know her very well but the more I got to know her the less I cared for her.
She started out as a girlfriend of one of his friends. But when the friends' mom insisted that he break up with her. R decided to pick up where his friend left off.
I think she is a little on the mentally unstable side and the reasons are as follows:
1. She went with us down to Indy for a family member's birthday party. The whole 4 hour car ride there and back all she talked about was the ex-boyfriend.
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I have a confession to make.
In my last blog, I was discussing my frustrations concerning events that happened today involving my step-son, R.
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Not a good day for me.
I joined this site today, because I need somewhere to vent my frustrations. I know that complaining won't change things but it does help to get it out and not keep it bottled up inside.
Today, two things happened that reminded me just how worthless I am as a "parent".
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