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So much for a break.

Jcksjj's picture

I was so excited to have a week and a half SD free. But of course theres still been drama about her by proxy. MIL creating issues where there were none which led into a big fight between DH and I (see last 2 blogs). Also BM keeps messaging me unnecessarily. Also the fight with DH it turned out that I was right and he had assumed that my disengagement and talking about her less meant that her behavior had improved and we were starting to become a happy family. Now it also turns out that her free after school program isn't going to be going on for the 2nd half of school so I'm going to have to be the one with her after school again. Theres no point to this blog other than to vent. Why cant I at least get an actual break at some point.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

You definitely need to block BM. The initial intention may have been to allow courteous communication regarding SD, but BM is obviously incapable. Your DH needs to contact BM and tell her that ALL communication needs to be with HIM - not YOU.

Why do YOU have to be the one with her after school? SD is there to see DH - NOT you. Latchkey, daycare, a BABYSITTER. What would DH do if you had a job or got abducted by aliens? He would have to make other arrangements.

Jcksjj's picture

Yeah shes incapable of sticking to boundaries. DH has asked her over and over and over not to message late at night unless theres an emergency and explained he doesnt want to talk to her unless it's something actually necessary regarding SD. She will stick to that for a short while and then "forget" DH told her that. She actually said she foesnt believe him that he ever told her not to text after 9 PM unless it's an actual emergency. Yeah right. Yesterday she was messaging me asking for SDs health insurance when she already has copies of the card. I just said its still the same as it was a couple months ago without giving her the numbers again and she said okay thanks so she obviously already knew what it was. Why pretend to need to contact us? Its just so weird. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Again, you need to block BM. Contact should be with your DH. Period.

Check your cellphone. You may have the option to turn it on Do Not Disturb. It can always be on, be set for specific hours (8pm - 8am), and allow specified people access to bypass the DND (my DH, my Dad, my sister can all call 24/7).

Landline? Turn down the ringer or unplug it overnight. This behavior is harassment, IMO.

Jcksjj's picture

Interesting! If there is an option for certain people to be on dnd at night would be great.

Harry's picture

You DH and his Mother can find someafter care for SD.  Just say NO !!!  Block BM on your phone and do not answer her. Not your circus 

Jcksjj's picture

Yeah we've been looking for options it's just unfortunate because the program was free and we're on a tight budget. It's just so annoying that there's always something with either SD BM or MIL. MIL is probably actually the worst.