Was ready to kill DS this week
This week he moved into an apartment for college. Folks, this is the slowest, most anxiety-inducing, pickiest, least planned move-in in history. OMG, sometimes my son is just the worst parts of his father and me.
He could move in this past Monday. He had nothing packed Sunday night. But that was okay, he was doing it gradually. I thought gradually meant over the course of Monday. Nope, we hit Wed night and he still hadn't stayed there overnight. I had even packed a travel set of stuff and some extra underwear so he could stay and yet he took offense I was kicking him out fast--uh, yes, you could move in on Monday so you should have been moved in on Monday.
Though it was a PITA for me, he learned a valuable lesson: DO NOT drag out the move in and don't expect to be able to find everything you want to trick-out your place in a few trips to Target--before he moved in. ?!
I got his butt there and moved in on Wednesday night at midnight. I wasn't taking any more time. I packed everything else he needed in 15 minutes. DH was wondering what was up since I'm barreling around grabbing stuff. I was not mad, I was not flining stuff. I was being efficient and getting the job done! DS did thank me after he and I got all his crap moved and all in one place that that was what he needed. He's been calmer the last couple days when I've talked to him. So now he knows: Pack it all and move. Then work on other stuff.
I expected him to move out at 18, job or college, and stay gone. Then the pandemic hit. Okay, odd circumstances for a college kid. But he was going back this fall. Then the whole online thing. Then we found a small place he could afford and live alone. Yay! But even that was a wait til now. And I was done waiting. Once kids go off on their own, it's hard for the adult/kid and the adult/parent to find the right balance living in the same house if living together wasn't the expectation.
(Note, he's going to school locally and living in an apartment near campus was the most logical thing for the in-person and online combo--especially if he contracts COVID. He can quarantine easily.)
- ITB2012's blog
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Thanks for tbe reminder
Its good to remember that our bio kids can drive us just as crazy as our SKs. Thanks!
Sounds like my DD. Your DS
Sounds like my DD. Your DS will launch and figure it out. He's still got an ill-formed alien brain right now.
My DD and my SS both came back to the parental next after flunking out of college (both of them, different circumstances). It was awful, and I think if DH and I didn't each have a screwed up kid at the same time we'd not have made it together. Both are now successfully launched, productive, independent adults.
Hang in there. Run around your empty nest naked.
He launched. Just the damned pandemic. And he's doing better in college than in HS, go figure. I did have a timeframe in my head for when I could walk around in my underwear.