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Back to report card drama

imjustthemaid's picture

Ok so I ended up making a comment to DH about how SD16 totally deflected the report card situation to BM. He says no but whatever. He just called me from work a few minutes ago and asked me to print out SD's last progress reports and last report card from a few months ago. She still hasn't given him the new report card.

Then he says depending on what the new report card says, he may not let her go to BM's mothers house on the weekends anymore. Normally I am in a panic that I am going to be stuck with her all weekend but I know better. He will threaten her with not going but in the end he will let her go. So I am not going to panic.

I am happy that he is finally going to confront her about her not doing any homework and getting bad grades. The grades are not terrible. SD does not do her homework but she does ok on the tests so it averages out ok I guess. She does usually end up making up some work because she knows if she does terrible that he will ground her or threaten to. We can see on the progress reports that she gets all zeros for most of her homework.

I like that she is sticking to the story that her Spanish teacher gave her the wrong grade. She always has some excuse like the teacher is a bad teacher or all the kids got bad grades.

I did tell him that if he does make her stay home this weekend that I am not driving her around or getting her food all day. It will really suck to have her in the house. I told him she should stay home and clean her disgusting room and finish her laundry!!

I have a bad feeling that if he tells her to stay home he will be really stupid and allow her to have her friends come here. That defeats the entire thing!! And he works all day Saturday and Sunday is the only day I get to spend with him. I don't need her following us around being all up his butt all day!!

And DH is in such a pissy mood today too. I am not saying one single word about any of this. I think he has pms or something. I can tell because what he does is ask me why I am in such a bad mood and he will keep on asking until he drives me crazy. And I am not in a bad mood so its him!!

He already started because he called and said I am thinking of keeping SD home this weekend. I said ok in a normal tone. Then he's like why are you so upset. No DH I am not upset over anything and he went on and on and on. Ugh! Crazy freakin men!!


bi's picture

sd20 failed gym in 11th grade. GYM. she is not overweight or out of shape at all. there was no reason for it. her excuse was "the teacher is too hard!" how the hell is gym too hard? i am not a good runner. i was slower than anyone else in the class. even the fat kids. and i was a cheerleader! running and i have just never gotten along. but i still passed gym, even being a slow runner and doing horrible on timed runs. so i really don't get how she failed. i also had D cup boobs in high school, and sd is a B at best, so i had a lot of weight bouncing around that she doesn't. just don't get it. seems like failing gym would take more effort than passing it.

imjustthemaid's picture

Its funny because SD does not get good grades in gym. She likes to sit on the side and pretend she has a stomach ache every single class. She is so lazy. She also failed Photography class last semester. That should be another easy subject to pass!! She is just too lazy.