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Imgoingtoscream's picture

I know I'm over thinking things but how can BM get away with so much?

She's forged government docs to take my DH's retirement, this is what caused their divorce. No charges were pressed by DH or the government.
She confessed to using the kids against my DH to get back at him for when they were married. I heard this with my own ears, she was on speaker phone.
She's kept our SS away from us for 9 months because she was "protecting him" from my DH but yet SD was sent eowe. She claims that DH beat her and SS but yet didn't touch SD. WTF?
Married a man she barely knew and told the kids to call his son their brother or else. Both kids were upset about this.
She's put her own daughter in a mental institution for three months while she moved into a house with yet another strange man. SD didn't even know she had moved when she got out.
Moved the kids over 12 times each time changing schools for the kids. The law in their state says that custody can be changed if the other parent moves 10 or more times due to an unstable environment. Yet we lost yet again.
Told my DH that as long as she's getting ass she's going to do what she wants. DH told me that, I know she just wants to make him jealous but he didn't bite.
Asked my DH to spend the night with her and calls him when she is upset about ANYTHING. Called him about her first divorce and when her BF raped someone to cry to him about how she felt. She wasn't worried about her kids just that she loved BF and how could he do this to HER.
Told her kids that our kids weren't their real brother and sister but they were MY kids so they were their step brother and sister. SD was young enough to believe it. BM even told schools and therapists that they had step siblings. They have the same Dad you douchebag!
Told her daughter to lie about BM's 2nd husband and say that he molested her after he testified against BM in our child custody case to get his testimony thrown out.
Her live in boyfriend was charged with raping the babysitter and arrested for it. He admitted to having sex with her in their bed while the kids were home.
Refused to get a restraining order against this man even after being told by the judge she is required to do so. Married the man that was charged with rape just months AFTER he was charged.
She had to marry this man in another state because she was legally married to her 2nd husband in her current state.

I can't even remember some of the other things she's done, but isn't this enough????????
She has brought no evidence what so ever to our court dates to prove any of her lies, yet she wins every time.
I don't know if our lawyer just sucks or the judge does.
It seems like the only way it MIGHT go our way is if she kills someone in front of them or one of the kids gets raped themselves.

I just can't wrap my head around what this woman thinks about when she does this kind of stuff. Why in the hell 9 yrs after the divorce, can't she move on and stop playing these ridiculous games? These kids are going to grow up to resent her.

I want to know what other people think! I don't think I'm over reacting but why why why would we not be granted full custody after all of this??? What is wrong with our justice system???

End of rant.


SMof2Girls's picture


I can't believe any attorney with half a brain couldn't figure out how to get custody away from this pshycho

hismineandours's picture

The justice system can be a real bitch. My sil stole my dh's identify last year, opeend 3 separate credit accounts in his name-she was arrested and charged with forgery, identity deception, and 12 counts of theft. She doesnt have a hearing until September-364 days after they arrested her. She is currently out on bond-since she's been on bond, we found an additional credit card that she opened and that was just "added" to what she already done. I felt her bond should have been revoked and she should have been arrested for new charges. The prosecutor has already told us the plea bargain they are offering her-60 days of daily reporting, 2 years probation, with drug and alcohol screens and no contact with dh and immediate family. REally? No jail time at all? Not even house arrest? Day reporting in my county is not even daily reporting-they make all sorts of allowances if you have a job or if its a weekend or a holiday. This for 12 felonies?

I do some work with the courts here so I hear stories all the time. People on probation fail their drug screen, "oh, we'll let this one go and see how he does on the next one." Really, again, wtf? Manufacturing methamphetamine? Well give you some house arrest for 5 years.

Sometimes it does not matter what attorney you have-I think it really ahs a lot more to do with the system in your county and how things are handled.

misSTEP's picture

I don't understand a judge making a CO, signing off on it...and then not enforcing the terms of the order when one parent clearly violated the CO numerous times.

It's not like it could have been a misunderstanding either. Deliberately and with malice (why wait to cancel until we'd already driven 45 minutes to town? Then wait 2 hours and call us and tell us they can come now...but we have to drive up AGAIN to get them??) and gets nothing but a chewing out...don't do it again...and finally a $500 fine, which didn't even pay all our attorney's fees. No make up time. No threat of future punishment for future violations.

Just blows my mind. My DH was even starting to think that the judge was in cahoots with her lawyer.

HadEnoughx5's picture

It sounds like you have the same BM and live in the same state as I do. Swamp has done pretty awful things. PAS'd the skids from DH and has no relationship with SD14 because of it. Forged legal court documents, been found in contempt and fined. The courts have held it over her head that she will lose custody of the kids, has a long list of CO's that no one ever follows through on.

Thousands of dollars spent to try and do what is in the best interest of the skids, they say, but do nothing to hold up the orders and put these BM's in their rightful hell }:)