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BM back to dictating our time

I love dogs's picture

SD was up and eating breakfast at 7:20 and when asked how she felt, she didn't feel good (headache and tired, didn't sleep well) but wants to go to camp because BM said so. She went on to say that BM is a "workaholic" and wants to instill the same values in SD. By workaholic, BM works maybe 30 hours, 4 days a week and SD is on Medicaid under her so I don't think BM can exactly claim that title if she works so little that SD qualifies for state benefits. In court, DH was more than willing to provide and pay for insurance but since she was with BM 90% of the time, they didn't hear, but that's not the point.

Anyway, SD is scared that BM will be mad at her and "wants to make her happy" so she's going to camp with a headache and earache. DH told her to not call either of us to pick her up early and absolutely do NOT call GBM to save her either if she wants to come home. He works all day and I am busy all afternoon. She was told to stay home because it's summer camp, not school, but DH just gave up and took her. Not my kid, not my problem, I suppose. Only 6 more years of this crap because BM won't stop telling SD what to do on our time and DH is just a pushover. 


thinkthrice's picture

As a single mom receiving no CS, I worked 40+ hours a week and often had side jobs such as cleaning banks and delivering newspapers BEFORE I went to my regular 8-5 office job.  I managed to purchase some rental property (without the aid of alimony or divorce settlement--no penis was involved in funding any of my endeavors) and worked on that as well.

Today as a stb 58 year old woman, I am working 40+ hours at my regular job, have a side job doing IT support for a nearby town, run Chef's business (bookkeeping, accounting, taxes, advertising, you name it)

I love dogs's picture

BM is the biggest narc of them all. I should scan their court documents and upload them here just to give you all a small taste. I am still resentful that DH even touched her but they were "young" and "stupid". Yeah, no shit. Oh, and she still gets $450 in CS a month with their unofficial 50/50. My husband is an idiot.

And BM just gets stoned when she's home. Every time I've seen her for 7 years, her eyes are bloodshot red. She only has SD EOW now and her toddler so her life is sooo hard. Besides working her part time job, she has zero hobbies or extracurriculars. I know this because she and SD sit at home all the time, no physical activity, nothing. Well, BM was screwing her manager when she was with DH, so there's that.

thinkthrice's picture

that is somewhat forgiveable (young and stupid) 

In Chef's case:

1.  Chef was eyelevel with the Girhippo's boobs

2.  Chef wanted the "white picket fence" ideal family that his own blended alcholic family didn't provide

3.  They PLANNED their three children!!!!!  (dear unholy of unholies!!!)

4.  Chef became quickly enmeshed with the Girhippo's familiy  (barf)

thinkthrice's picture

which overruled her acting like the nasty princess she was.  She plagiarized her way through college and eventually "earned" a bachelors degree in liberal arts/english.   She promptly got to breeding and a stay-in-bed mom which gave her GUBM status.  They broke up SEVERAL times during courtship   There were several MAJOR things that the Gir did and conspired with Battleaxe that upset Chef during one of the breakups that haunts him to this day.

I love dogs's picture

I'll never understand that. Having kids is fine but eternal SAH status? Nope. I would love to not work until my baby goes to school but why? I would lose precious resume space and honestly, we need my income for bills and living expenses. And it is scary how enmeshed these BMs are with their mothers. BM can't even drop her kids off at summer camp without GBM following her in her car to bring snacks. Yes, BM brings the kids in her car and GBM trails behind her with a grocery bag or two of cereal for the kids and whatever the weekly snack is. BM can't do anything without her mother and GBM is an overbearing cow. She comes off as a nice, Christian lady, but she isn't as innocent as she portrays. DH had to tell GBM to back off a few times when he was with BM and even this week, told BM to tell her mom to keep her space when she rushed SD to an urgent care without so much as consulting him on HIS time. I guess when you have zero copay ever, it is easy to rush skid to the ER or UC for small matters.

thinkthrice's picture

also comes off as "Chuch Lady-Pure as the Wind Driven Snow-All American-Corn Fed-Girl Next Door-Pillar of the Community-Soccer Mom-Who-Rose-From-The -Ashes-Of-Divorce-Like-A-Phoenix"  (patent pending)

The Gir is also entirely enmeshed with Battleaxe Gallactica.  The Gir won't move outside of a 5 mile radius of HER mothership.   When Chef and the GIr were married, Chef turned down a HUGE opportunity because it would involve moving two states away and this was BEFORE the oldest one was in school,  She stamped her size 14 hoof and said "NO WAY WILL I MOVE AWAY FROM MY FAAAAAMMMIIIILLLLLY"

Disneyfan's picture

How do you you know mom called herself a workaholic?  Did you hear her say that or is all of this based on what SD said?

When the kid is saying stuff that paints you in a negative light, she is lying or twisting the truth.  When she's making her mother look bad, then everything she's saying is the gospel truth.

Either the kid is a liar /manipulator or she isn't.