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Ungrateful stepson

horsemom1's picture

Stepson moved in with us after failing to secure financil aid for college. He and his mom told his father a number of times they were working on it but when graduation came they said they dropped the ball. We split tuition with his mom he moved in with us to commute to save dorm fees. My problem is that he has a you owe me attitude. He was given a list of responsibilities like clean his room, bathroom and do his laundry. He has to be reminded about each item and then half does them. He never offers to put a dish in the dishwasher and eats everything in the house even if its the last of a particular item with no notification so it can be added to the grocery list. I took him to pick you what he eats and he has eaten everything but those things. I'm ready to kill him can anyone help?


horsemom1's picture

Sorry for the mispell guess thats why they let you view first...

stepoff's picture

Draw up a list of house rules and list exactly what you expect from him. Sit him down and explain it in detail so there are no questions on his part. Put a piece of paper on the fridge with a magnet and a pen next to it and let him know that when an item has been used, he needs to write it on the paper. If he doesn't do that, he's not allowed to touch that item again when it's repurchased. When he runs out of food to eat, he'll start to keep the list updated.

horsemom1's picture

My husband did this when he moved in and even had him sign it but it seems to have no impact on him. I keep a pad and pen on the fridge and have considered not purchasing the items he eats but I'm the only one who suffers. I've just never met someone who is so selfish. If one of my boys acted like this I'd kick their butt...

stepoff's picture

Well, time for round 2. Does he work? If he works, tell him that for each week that you have to clean up his bathroom, etc, it will cost him $50. Or, whatever mess is left around the house gets put in a large garbage bag and goes out on garbage day. And any food that he can't remember to replace he will have to pay for also. Otherwise, send him back to the BM. Does DH back you up on this issue? Someone just needs to set him straight. Sounds like he thinks you're just joking.

PnutButta's picture

you've got a moocher on your hands!!

You are not a maid. If he wants you to be one, start charging him for your services. There's no reason for him not to be working and helping pay rent or for the food he's eating. It's called being an adult. What is he going to do when he's out on his own, drop his laundry off at your house so you'll do it? Not buy groceries for himself and just come over to your house to eat? There are plenty of people in this world that go to college and work at the same time...some of those people are single parents!! He's young and can handle it.

Time for him to Grow Up!!!! He needs a swift kick in his butt, I'd say...either that or it may be worth it to pay those dorm fee's!!

Here's a good article I read about college kids recently...your post reminded me of it..

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." ~Robert Frost

horsemom1's picture

I have talked till I'm blue in the face. His BD backs on some items not others. We seem to discuss and agree then he changes direction. The boy is suppose to come home and work for us three hours a day and right now he is propped up on my couch in front of the TV doing nothing. He seems to be oblivious to the friction he is causing even though I myself have had conversations with him. The signed house rules dont matter since there is no punishment if these things are not done. I've tried the not worring doing my own thing but this is my house also and I refuse to live with someone I help support who does not show respect.