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Why does she hate me so much???

hooliejulie71's picture

OK, even I have to admit that this is a pretty lame way to start off a stepdaughter hates me.....

I guess what really bothers me is that she went from a cute little girl to a 17 yr.old wretch...sigh... The problems we have been having (she and I) started when she was about 9/10 yrs. old. Lying, stealing, starting trouble between her siblings and my boyfriend and I. My BF has kind of a blind spot with her because she's the only girl out of our 7 kid brood. He hates dealing with drama and would rather just ignore the situation.

Well my friends, this time she's really got me steamed. Seems like my girl is telling everyone who has ears that she "kicked my ass" and "called me a bitch" to my face. Wow.... this is all news to me, since she's NEVER home to fight me (or do her chores). This is just the tip of the trash pile too! Apparently her dad (who is unemployed) is paying all the bills/smoking pot/spending all his money on me AND is gonna kick me to the proverbial curb. Is that so????????

The worst part is that when my BF and I got together, my 3 step kids lived with their grandmother. He moved to my area for work and drove back to his mom's on the weekends to see his kids. The bad part is that grandma was very strict with the listening to their own music, watching cartoons, decorating their rooms the way they wanted AND choosing what clothes the kids wore. I felt really bad about the whole thing and my kids and I both agreed to set up house with my BF and his kids. From the get,my stepdaughter stole from my boys and told everyone at school that my boys engaged in...ummm... not cool stuff together. Yikes. Not true at all!

Fast forward to today, and it's worse....much worse. She's totally out of control and I am rapidly losing patience with the whole deal. A place of my own (away from the drama) is starting to sound sooooo nice!


hooliejulie71's picture

That was the best thing I've read today!
I've tried confrontations before, but she lies her way out of it...ugh. Anyway, you are right.... why should I care if she hates me? The power she had over me....just thinking about it makes me feel like a fool Sad

But you can be damn sure that there will be no more favors coming from me!