Should i feel bad?
BM the last year or so has been leaving SS13 in charge of SD10 and SS6 on their days off from school while she works, or when she goes out wine tasting. So about 2 weeks ago SS6 comes to me and tells me SS13 has been hitting him and picking on him when BM leaves them alone. SS6 is a liar... almost without control, like he really believes the lies. But i stuck behind him on it and told him he can call me anytime and gave him my cell #. Since then he has called almost every day and i have no problem with that except for feeling guilty that he calls me to talk but doesn't call BF. BF doesn't express any discomfort or jealousy and i really don't think he cares, but i still feel bad. Should I, or has anyone else been in this situation? How can i feel better about this?
- honeybunszer's blog
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I think u should feel good
that SS6 trusts and feels comfortable enough to call u.....just be someone who tried to always be there for SS11 when she was younger and had a penchant for lying to get attention, make sure you don't put yurself in a position for him to tell BM or DH ANYTHING that u are unable to defend yurself on....and lets face it...on the can be a "he said-she said" deal. Just be careful, specially if u have a psycho BM because any little thing u say can be manipulated and turned against you..especially by a kid who me...I know....make sure yur DH knows about every conversation you and SS6 have. I'd hate for you to have to defend yurself on something totally out of context later down the road, all because u were just trying to be there for the boy :)....On a side not...SD13 will most definately feel resentment toward the younger siblings if she always forced to "raise" them to some for signs of resentment and retaliation....this happened with my SD17,,,, good luck
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