typical hypocritical behaviour....
so my stepsons BM, has a new 'friend', she doesn't want us to know because if he eventually moves in this will directly affect her support. My fiance asked his son one day at dinner if this new 'friend' in Mom's life was her bf, all we got was he is Mom's friend. My fiance only asks this question in concern for his son's well being, BM's last boyfriend beat her up and caused some serious pscychological damage to my SS as he saw the end result. The next day we get a text message blasting us for asking about her life and that we have no right to know anything about her. Fine. Well last friday I picked up my SS from BM's place, as I turned around to make sure he was buckled in before I drove away I noticed that there was a guy on the porch with BM so I asked "Oh, who's that with your Mom?". Simple answer, "That's her friend."
So I dropped it, no further questions. Weekend goes by, 20 minutes after I drop off SS at BM's my fiance gets another text blasting me about badgering their son and blah, blah, blah (I am sure you get the idea....)
So....when SS gets picked up next time my fiance asked him why he told his Mom that and SS replies "She asks me everything you guys ask or say about her." It's really hard to not get mad at the kid, it's not his fault. He's only 10. How do we get through to him that he doesn't have to tell her everything without looking like we are trying to hide stuff????
- Hogger's blog
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I live in Canada and the
I live in Canada and the separation agreement states that if she has a material change in circumstance my fiance can apply to the courts to have his spousal support lowered accordingly. And no my income is not connected at all.
Wait a minute-you don't think
Wait a minute-you don't think the dad is allowed to ask about the living situation his son is in??? Really????
I come to this forum for
I come to this forum for support, so thank you to all.
I clearly did write in my blog that I asked one question, I don't speak about or ask about the BM as I don't care about her, I care about my SS and his well being.