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teen girl issues-not step related

hismineandours's picture

I actually blogged about this a while back. There is a girl that moved to our area over the summer. Her and my dd15 hit it off right away and spent a couple of months hanging out-problem free. Then school started and things seemed to go downhill. Both the girl and her mother would say insulting things to my dd15-that genuinely had her upset-girl has a trouled history-including a suicide attempt and she was alrady sexually active with her bf. As things went downhill, I encouraged my dd to just back away and she did for several months-then girl had another suicide attempt and dd15 sorta made up with her. She came over to spend the night over xmas break-the first time in some months.

The next day dd tells us that she had her bf meet her in the driveway in which she gave him a handjob. Then dd told us that she(her friend)also took a naked pic of herself and sent it to another boy whom's house she went over to the next day and had sex with. I told dd at that point its best just to keep the distance. Turns out, when they went back to school, this girl was at school telling people that my dd and her friend showed up at her house on nye's drunk. My dd and her friend went directly from our house to theirs that night and most certainly were not drunk.

So again I told dd to just stay away which she mostly has. However there have continued to be "runins". DD15 heard that this girl was telling others that dd's competitive cheer team sucked-just dumb girl stuff. This girl has gotten a very poor reputation-not related to dd-but because she does indeed sleep with a lot of boys, has lots of sucide attempts, and is just generally a drama queen. I know dd does not like her, but again generally stays away from her.

Today my dh gets a call from her father-saying that my dd is saying stuff about this girl at school causing problems-showed up there drunk. I am on fire. Dh has said now he's not sure that he said my dd was drunk, maybe it was the friend-but I am still on fire. This girl has continually been a problem for my dd, has behaved inappropriately in my home, has alot of disturbing behaviors, but her dad is going to call MY dd on the carpet? My dh just sort of went along with what he said-at least that is the impression he gave me.

I want to call or email these people. I feel like he purposely called dh as the mom tried to email last fall to explain why her dd was so "moody" toward my dd. I told her I felt my dd15 was generally old enough to handle issues on her own and I try to stay out of it and let her do so. So I feel like they thought they might get better results from dh. Ugh.

bottom line, I get that my dd has probably said a thing or two about this girl. I have no doubt she has said things about my dd. I have little to no doubt that 99.9 per cent of girls this age talk about one another from time to time. However, I feel like first of all he is claiming my dd has done something illegal (drinking) when again she has not even been to their home since 12/31 and I can swear she was not drinking so I feel like he is just engaging in spearding rumours like his dd is. I know it should not matter, but I think it is nuts all this stuff this girl has done and I've kept my mouth shut about, but because dd has talked about her here and there they are actually going to call dh? WTH?

So what would you all do? Keep your mouth shut and forget it all? Call and ask for clarification? Go in guns ablazing? A little side note is that I went to high school with this guy and he was acutally my prom date one year! So I do know him. I think his wife is a nutjob too and I see where the daughter gets teh behavior. so mostly I walk around feling sorry for him, but I feel like he is being manipulated by his dd to believe that MY daughter is somehow the cause of all her drama (which I know is ocmpletely not true)


hismineandours's picture

Well, thanks, dtzy. That's always been my general thought-to stay out of it. Back when my dd was younger, 13, I did step in when she had an issue with another girl-I stepped in because the mom was my friend and I naively thought we could settle it-turned out horrendously and she and I to this day do not speak. So I learned my lesson and have not inteceded in anyway since and things seem to be much better that way!

So when the mom tried to engage me last fall-I did put up a boundary right away. Her dad calling my dh just makes me feel like they are trying to get one over somehow. That being said, my intention is certainly NOT to start a war with these people. They go to our Church and actually both my dh and her mother are chaperones on a trip to Fl in June-so I dont want things to get sticky. However, I feel like me not even weighing in and just going with whatever dh said is not doing enough. I do not know exactly what dh said, he did say the other girls dad wasnt rude, was very nice and respectful about it-but it just kills me as this girl really is a huge troublemaker and she genuinely IS getting all sorts of shit at school right now-but it is not coming from my dd. I know that kids were throwing things at her on the bus the other day-my dd was not but was near the people that were. Another girl on the bus was very loudly talking about her-another girl got mad at her as she tried to make out with her boyfriend, and on and on and on. As Ive said theyve not hung out at all since xmas break and that was the first time in a couple of months.

hismineandours's picture

So I did send an email- basically said sorry their girl was going throu a tough time but if they were thinking my dd was instigating they were looking in the wrong direction. Oh, and they called the school and reported my dd. there are people throwing a at her and calling her a whore, but they report MY dd. daid I realize my girl had probably said some things as I well aware theirs had to, lets all forger it the only thing I was bothered by was that they had brought it to the school. Dd didn't get in any trouble but she hated being called int the office.

The message I got back was all about how awful my dd was. That she brought alcohol to their house - that their dd had to sneak out of her house one night because my dd was so drunk somewhere with a friend and they needed to go take care of her. I was like omg. So they are taking all this info they get from their dd and acting as if it were gospel- which I couldn't help but note that god forbid even if these things were true they happened 3 months ago and have nothing to do with what was going on- just his opportunity to take jabs and spread second hand info of his own.

I thought long and hard and deleted many nasty replies, but finally wrote back and said I was confident about my girl and her actions- that or every thing they thought they knew about my girl I had one just like it about theirs. That for everything they thought my girl said, I had heard an equal story about what theirs had said and that it was a waste of time to engage in this he said/ she said and I didn't feel like going there.

He said that he had told his girl not to speak to mine or talk about her a nc encouraged me to do the same. Said of course I would encourage her not to talk about anyone, but I wasn't going to encourage her to not ever peak to their girl since they cross paths thru school, extracurriculars, and church. I just felt that was rude and would make things worse and thati would encourage my girl to be cordial and polit.

Big drama. It's clear why the girl has so many issues. It makes me a little sad on one hand yet also pisses me off that they are trying to make my girl the scapegoat for her problems.