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SS moving in this week..

hismineandours's picture

So if anyone has read my blogs there's been alot of drama and quite frankly trauma associated with this move. After the smoke cleared on Saturday-dh came home and brought ss with him. He stayed til last night-and will go back to school today to disenroll, say goodbye-all that good stuff and will be enrolling in our school district and moving in this week.

Saturday and Sunday went well with both dh and ss. DH stayed on top of things, ss was respectful, and dh and I concentrated more on our relationship. So now we just have to keep this up. I am sure that there will be a honeymoon period of sorts so Im just going to enjoy that while I can.

The kids all seem to be ok with it-we are converting our office into a room for ds-so he's really excited to just move rooms. Wish us luck!
