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OT-sigh...a new job? maybe or maybe not?

herewegoagain's picture

I can't sleep. For the last few years our finances have taken a nose dive thanks too crazy witch, loser skid and at the end, my son being diagnosed with autism and all the medical bills. I thought I had a job lined up, they were ready to hire me (my old job) and that would put us afloat...sigh...Literally some weeks we only have 20USD to eat...But I just received a note that everything had been cancelled...sigh...I hope it's an error. If it's not, this will not be good. I blame my DH for so much that has happened and I have tried to move on for the sake for our marriage and son, now that he "has learned" what his pathetic family has done to us...I was supposed to be asleep and now I can't sleep. My DH will flip out if I don't get this job. If I don't get it, knowing that they really wanted me, maybe because of a credit report or something??? I don't know what I will do.


Doubletakex3's picture

Try to have faith. I do believe that the universe provides, eventually. Hang in there.