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OT-finding simplicity and calm - we ALL need that here :-)

herewegoagain's picture

Over the last 2 years it seems I have been sick off and on and the only difference has really been the amount of stress I have. A few months ago I decided that I could no longer continue with this stress and began doing something about it. So I thought I'd share some things here that have helped me in the hopes that others here can also simplify their lives and relieve some of the stress.

One of the things that causes a lot of stress for me, outside of the crazy-ex lol, is not having enough time to do everything I want/need to do at home. I purchased a cheap book called Simplify and put all those suggestions to work. Basically it helps you get rid of all the stuff you have that you really don't need, use, etc...and it's amazing as I am actually a minimalist person, how much I still have in my home. Even my DH who hates reading, much less getting rid of stuff, read it and was pumped and we both worked on going room by room and getting rid of things we really didn't have a need for. This is a work in progress, we have done all of the condo, but are now going through a second round. I have to say that within days of getting rid of things, we still can't figure out what we are "missing". If you are overloaded with cleaning, etc...with all the people in your house, this is definitely something to do. I think the fact that is was written by a MAN also helped my DH get on board.

Simplify - by Joshua Becker (Kindle edition is only 2.99) on Amazon
If you want to read the blog, here it is

So, on that search, someone here suggested that we could support each other through a website for doing exercise, losing weight, etc...and well, I hate to admit, I jumped on that bandwagon but fell off quickly. But instead, I did go to where my son takes dance lessons and signed up for Yoga. Yes, the first class was a disaster (I blogged about my DH here lol), but now, it's all working out. I have to say that even my husband comments on how much "energy" I have AFTER I get out. I am somewhere on the autism spectrum, so doing a class with other people, watching me, not my cup of tea...but little by little I have gotten out of my comfort zone and really learned to let go. If you think you don't have time, as I did for so long, I have to say, that before I would just sit around without energy to do much and then worry about not having time. Now, when I get back I am so relaxed that I get more done than when I didn't have the class to go to. I highly recommend it.

And last, I just started reading a book called "The Power Of Less" by Leo Babauta (funny thing, there is a review about Simplify from this same author/blogger on Simplify great review...this is NOT how I found this book either...) Anyway, this guy has a blog that is in the TOP 5 blogs of THE WORLD! Yes, imagine that. millions of blogs probably out there and this guy's blog is in the TOP 5 of the world. You can find his blog here (It's actually called Zen Habits). I started reading it last night and thought "wow! this is EXACTLY what I want/need in my life. So far, it is amazing. Absolutely simple steps that make sense that you can incorporate to make your life more enjoyable. Even my DH, again, who HATES to read, but works in sales which is a constant stress job, is loving it. He's even going to help his employees try to incorporate some of these things in their work/lives.

So, there you go. I believe that each of us here is under too much stress from skids, ex, etc...PLUS all the other stuff that normal "intact" families have to deal with. It really is too much for anyone to handle. Although you might not think you have time, please know, that YOU MUST make time for yourself. Once you do that just ONE TIME, you will realize that indeed you need to take time for yourself. Put yourself first for a change. I see many of us here putting everyone else first and we only take breaks when we are worn out. It should't be that way. Heck, if your skids are coming over and you can't deal with the weekend, why not start reading one of these blogs/books, etc...and start incorporating that into your life on your SKID weekends? It'll get you away from the chaos for a bit and you'll be helping yourself in the meantime.

If anyone else has suggestions of things that have helped them, that are helping them or that they just started to do/read, etc. that could help the rest of us, I'd love to hear about it.

Take care of yourselves.

PS - if any women here are Aspies, I highly recommend reading "Aspergirls" and "22 Things a Woman With Asperger's Wants Her Partner to Know". You will feel you are reading about your life and it will really help you understand yourself, be at peace with yourself and those around you as well.
If you have skids with AS or autism, chances are the are "just like their dad or mom". You might want to find the Rudy Simone books on How to deal with a Husband...etc...great, great stuff.


not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I know what you mean, I work 4 days a week out of state, he drives and stays at our other place of business 4 days a week, so our home is essentially empty, and usually dusty and a mess by the time we get back. I don't have enough time to deal with everything I need to deal with there.

I do an activity with FDH 3 times a week (well, mostly he teaches the martial arts class and I take it) and go out to dinner afterwards. It helps relieve stress, I can beat him up a bit, and in general it's physical communication without words.

We recently got a pet baby mouse together. Like proud parents, I make cute little clothing for him, he hangs out with him while on his laptop, and we both coo and cuddle over how adorable the little guy is. It's like having a baby... that doesn't need 24 hour care, but you reaffirm your bond with your partner very well that way.

We also got some goldfish, and they're nice to look at.

I started this year on an indoor garden, to reduce the cost of groceries and for some zen and green in my life. It's amazing how comforting watching the sprouts first come up can be, and then when they are viable for eating.

Reading. I traverse the local barnes and nobles, pick a book, sit down, have a cup of joe, and read. Sometimes FDH is there, sometimes he isn't.

Throwing out garbage and going through useless crap. Reorganizing, throwing out old food in the fridge and pantry. It's actually quite cleansing to periodically throw away useless things. Makes you feel like you got rid of some burden.

asheeha's picture

i really appreciate your post. i need to find my joy again! Smile

#6: YODA
“Fear is the path to the dark side, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.” Who wants to be led to suffering? Not me – thank you. Yes, as always, the simple is the profound.

love this!

i have never hated anybody until bm came into my life. and it has led to lots of suffering!

i think part of it is accepting my life as it is. there will just be separate aspects of mine and dh's life. i will have to remove myself from certain places because the stress is overwhelming. i know this will disappoint dh but he hates seeing me miserable.

herewegoagain's picture

You know what happens when you "remove yourself from certain places"? You become calm. You become you again. And on the way, your DH notices it too. And once he notices it, then he wants the same. And little by little he realizes that really the cause of you not being at peace or him being at peace are the crazy kids or ex or ils...and he too starts to detach from it.

We all want some peace. I know that while I argued with DH constantly, it didn't seem to do much. He took their side. He though I was just mean. Little by little I disconnected and left HIM with the craziness. Of course, he then wanted to spend even more time with me because I was so calm and happy. And of course, I was too busy as I did not give up my time so easily. Heck, not at all. So he finally figured it out and little by little he TOO disengaged from the craziness of them all.

By the way, accepting your life as is is very difficult. I have a hard time doing it. But I don't even have to go there when I focus on me instead. Then, that "life" is really not mine...not that I have accepted it, it's just not mine anymore at all.

HadEnoughx5's picture

Thanks for recommending the book. I read it in one day. I have never thought of simplicity as being a minimalist. I definitely liked the book, thanks!