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fyi-not sure what website, but a BM asking about posts from an SMOM to use in court

herewegoagain's picture

Just found this and thought I'd share...might want to check who this person is...not sure it's anyone here, as she does not name the site, but FYI


unbelieveable's picture

I read that out of curiousity. It kinds of worries me now that steptalk is no longer a safe haven for us to vent, get out frustrations and ask for advice. Maybe somehow steptalk could lose the first opening page - so you cannot view ANY posts unless you are a member? I'm not sure...

outofplace's picture

My advice to everyone on here if they don't want to be "found" is: Create a new email address that no one knows about, devote it solely to steptalk. Create a user name that you have never used else where that has nothing to do with your name. And never use real names in your posts. And don't use pictures of yourselves. If you do all that it's pretty much impossible to be "found" here. Smile

unbelieveable's picture

good to know! I hope that "stepmom" protected her identity! Could that be proven it was her? And if it was - what happened to free speech? oh my..

StepMadre's picture

This is sickening. This BM is obviously a vengeful bitch who is trying to invade this SMs private life and use it to get revenge. Hello? Freedom of speech! We step-moms have every right to vent our feelings and stresses in an online forum and almost all use screen names and I have never known a SM to post a BMs real name. This is a bunch of bull. I hope this SM doesn't wind up in some ridiculous court case. Although, if I were a judge I would laugh this BM out of the court room...

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde

Angel72's picture

Mmm... that is also a reason i wont do my own blog. I'm chitchat between others blogs. Another way of expressing myself but within another person's blog. And i see alot of us do this. Which is good cause then its so intertwined.
BUt the BM must be a major BIOTCH! to go digging for this. We need to vent. We are humans and i'm not dishing 100 $ for a psych to hear it wheni can vent to friends!
I hope the judge sees what this bm is, a vindictive c**T.

Angel72's picture

I went and read it. SHe obviously has concerns but you know what irritated me? Was the fact that she wanted SM income and said she was hiding it agaisnt her kids. Heck lady! its her income.It should not be calculated to the stepkids. I dont blame her putting money aside in her name only. That money is hers!, not bm's to play with.
That is one thing i cannot understand for the states. That they consider the income of SM and Stepdads!. Its obsurd!

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

True Angel, BUT I seriously think that if a SM is going to be 'over-involved' then she should prepare to use her own income for the kids. To me, you're either all-in or all-out.

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

Now, this is my opinion only, but I do think there's a choice, and I think a person makes that choice when they marry someone with children, particularly small children that you are going to help (partly help) raise.

For me, when I married DH, I knew he had 3 kids and that by marrying him, I was agreeing to take on helping him in whatever manner I could with them, just like he agreed to help me however he could with perfectson.

Yes, there are a lot of gray areas of course, but again in my opinion only, if a person is not willing to take on kids with time, love, and finances, then perhaps they should opt to not get married.

stepmom008's picture

And it depends on the state that she's in. I live in a state where they DO take into account the income of a spouse or a domestic partner.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

LMR120's picture

You are correct. The way you can get around your income being put into CS is to file tax's married but seperate. Thats what my BFF does because her Hubbys BM said that she couldnt wait for them to get married so her CS would go up.

starfish's picture

another PERFECT bm, that obviously the court didn't see fit to be the custodial parent and it is of course the SMs fault!!!

and as far as sms income -- i checked into it before i got married, b/c at the time i was making a hefty amount more than dh and my income is not up for grabs by bm.

herewegoagain's picture

It could also be the site, but just wanted to post because sadly, we must watch what we say...not that I think that we should post names, etc. out there, but the fact is some of these women will go to the end of the world to harrass the smom/ex-husband while they don't go to the end of the world for their own kids...amazing...

Amazed's picture

You have to know the secret bitch handshake to get into my club so I know it's not mine:)

"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."

..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."

"If they sold clues at Walmart,I'd be first in line to get one for DH" ~the lovely Jbee~

Snowflake's picture

I would agree to the financial aspects... BUT I don't ... because it can be ALOT more complicated.

Yes she knew that he had kids... but what if he knew that she had some as well? What about when steps walk into marriages with other steps? So both parties knew that each had kids. So what happens then... and then what if they have kids together? So, it may not be out of the realm of possibility that this woman is saving for her own kids from a previous marriage to go to school, or for their kids that they have together... all of which HE has a financial responsibility as well.

We are not being told the whole story here. Do we know if they (dh and stepmom) have an agreement that she will put her kids through school if he puts his through school, or is BM just thinking that her kids should get it all for virtue that this woman married her ex? Obviously she knows that BM is a crzy psych that she needs to hide these things from, if she is planning on it already. It is evident at the fact that crazy BM is trolling the internet for info on vents by a stressed out stepmom.

I think the info we are getting maybe scewed from the point of view of a mean BM.

starfish's picture

of course, some of MY money contributes to's a household and i would never divvy up the grocery bill over what was spent on us and skids, electric, etc.... but child support??? any bm who thinks they are entitled to any sms money for their benefit has got a fucking screw loose.

MarriedwithChild's picture

I just read the entire thread from the link and this is what it sounds like to me:

It sounds like a very disturbed person trying ever so desperately to reach out anywhere to gain favor in her cases(s.) Quite common and sad.

This woman is desperate in her tones to "create" a pity party.

It has been disturbing me lately though about the privacy issues although I consider this site to be at your own discretion.

Watch what you say and post.

BTW: Attorney told us that YES it is 100% legal to print out posts from any public domain in regards to BM in our case. (no wonder she has blocked me.) BUT you can still go on another profile on FB and have a peek...

MarriedwithChild's picture

PS: There is probably a very valid reason for the family not wanting to speak to her in anyway.

Note she mentioned, "PAS"

stepmom008's picture

I have often wondered about this myself so without commenting on her situation, I'm glad to know that posting here can't really be a factor in court cases.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".