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BM buys Hollister for other kid, but no money for skid?

herewegoagain's picture

I find it funny truant calls DH a loset because "her mom has 2 other kids to support and DH won't send her extra money and she NEEDS school clothes", yet skid's sister got tickets to see Justin Bieber just a couple of months ago, now her sister writes on myspace "my mom got me a bunch of Hollister shirts-mood spoiled"...meanwhile in the last 6mos i have only bought 3usd tank topa for myself at walmart and the same for our son! All of BMs kids have cell phones, dress in brand ñame clothes, the girls get their hair dyed and cut professionally and DH is a loser? You expect to "save" your cs for "other stuff" and DH to send you money for clothes or he's a f%}?ing loser?

You see, it seems that BM is so used to using CS for all her kids and it was plenty, but now that truant is costing moré because of being prego it's up to DH to pick up the tab? I have a feeling as truant becomes moré expensive and cs can no longer cover ALL of her kid's needs and wants, truant will not be wanted there or DH will become a bigger loser...

Again, thankfully DH sees them ALL for what they are and will not give in anymore...and he is still saying once cs is over truant will not see another dime...I just pray this is over soon...I have a feeling as they realize money will soon run out the backlash will be greater...


herewegoagain's picture

That type of store doesn't exist where I's some healthcode can't even try on haya at Party City here... Sad