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babydaddy? help! what does this mean? My husband's daughter myspace

herewegoagain's picture

My husband's crazy ex-wife called last week claiming that "her daughter's boyfriends parents went to talk to her...and she found out that her daughter was out with some girl, instead of her boyfriend and that she was a lesbian..." hmmm...My husband told her that he was more concerned about her being out, ie. he is totally against how she is raising this girl, but has no say in it...than the fact she could be a lesbian...

Fast forward now and I find this on his daughter's myspace page...which by the way, not sure what name she's using because it's NOT under her real name...I just found it by coincidence...

"I love my babbydaddy guillermo"

(Holly cow, this was in there a few minutes ago and I just realized she is now online and has changed it, but anyway)

I find it hard to believe that a boy's parents would just go to meet with her...hmmm...especially with the crazy boys she dates, etc...and I find this in a dictionary on the internet...

baby daddy
1. a male, often a boyfriend or an ex-boyfriend. Most often means the father of, or someone who provides for, a female's child. Derived from "He is my baby's daddy. When my baby daddy get back, he'll bust you in your grill!" Lyrical reference: JOE LYRICS - Ain't Nothin' Like Me "Your man fiance trick ya baby daddy..."

So, I'm wondering, would you think she is preggo? Should I tell my DH?


Sia's picture

Baby daddy does usually refer to the father of one's child, but I think probably she is projecting. Maybe "wanting" him to be the baby daddy????? Meaning when she gets pregnant???? Who knows? I'd watch the page for more info, but I dont think I'd tell DH just yet. She what else pops up, especially since she doesnt know you are looking!

nomore's picture

i agree..i think its hard to tell what they mean most of the time. keep an eye out and an open ear.

justbdais's picture

A lot of girls refer to their boyfriends as 'babydaddy'. This in no way means she is pregnant or wants to be pregnant but it basically is the same nowadays as calling him your boyfriend. My sister has a shirt that says "I love my babydaddy" she isn't pregnant who plans on getting pregnant anytime soon she just thought it was cute.

herewegoagain's picture

ok...thanks...I guess I wonder since ex claims boyfriend's parents went to talk to her last week...hmmm...

onehappygirl's picture

If nothing else, time will certainly tell.


Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

bearcub25's picture

I see some pretty crazy stuff on SS16 myspace....FTR he is stupid enough to not log off when he is on puter at our house.....these kids telling each other how much they love someone that they chatted with for 10 minutes and lives hundreds of miles away from each other.

My SS16 actually put on his status that he met a girl and he would take a bullet for her. He "KNEW" her from myyearbook (this is the new social site for kids) for a whole day and she lives prolly 800 miles away from us.