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stepping back....

hammesamie's picture

So I have quit having any communication with bio mom. My husband hates dealing with it. The other night she called, and was talking about me like she always does, expecting me to grab the phone and cuss her out, like I use to do. Instead I sat there and kept my composure on the whole situation. She told my husband that if he would talk to her like an adult, she would stop on her end with all the drama. So he listened and not once said anything bad, but yet played into her little world that she wanted. However, 40 minutes later when the phone was going dead, and he told her he had to get of the phone, she said well your son is not coming there until your wife can see she has no say in anything with our son. The police said I do not have to let him go. So I have stood back, he is not saying anything, and we still get hell, what is the real deal????


MamaTracy's picture

I have to call bulls*** on that one...if there is a custody visitation schedule then there is nothing she can do...and the police would never tell her that she doesn't have to let him go with his dad...once she starts doing that then she is in contempt of court...keep records of everything and please document all...she sounds like my husbands excow...and right now we are letting her dig her own grave so to speak...and might i say she is doing a fine job of

laughterandtears's picture

Take the police with you, providing there is an order for visitation, make sure you have it with you. If she acts a fool, you have witnesses!!! The deal is YOU'RE STILL THERE!!! She does not want that. You can both jump through all the hoops she sets up and she will STILL cause drama. she's addicted to it and sounds like she's on a mission to belittle you as much as possible.